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Daily Horoscopes - YOUR STARS February 2017

Daily horoscope and astrology readings forecasts how the stars are going to impact your life.


Mar 21 - Apr 21
Astro-Line: 083 9140 601
Think well and long before making changes - particularly if these involve any aspect of family life. Making enemies within your own home could have very bad consequences. There might now be plenty of emotional activity in your habitat.


Apr 21 - May 21
Astro-Line: 083 9140 602
You may experience the failure of a certain expectation during this unfavourable phase. It could conceivably be a disappointment in your love life. Avoid going for bold gambits in the betting and sporting spheres - play for safety.


May 21 - Jun 22
Astro-Line: 083 9140 603
Take better care of yourself during a tricky period concerning your health and welfare. Cut out bad eating habits. Take care since you may be accident-prone. Save yourself a lot of worry and aggravation by operating a sensible schedule.


Jun 22 - Jul 23
Astro-Line: 083 9140 604
Obstructions will not deter you while you are intensely eager to achieve your aims - but you will have to engage in serious competition with a rival who has the same objective as you albeit a different agenda to yours for realising it.


Jul 23 - Aug 24
Astro-Line: 083 9140 605
For some or other reason, you are feeling a sense of grievance or frustration. Just why is hard to assess yet it might have something to do with a relative or an associate. Possibly you were given a promise only to be sadly let down.


Aug 24 - Sep 23
Astro-Line: 083 9140 606
Be advised that impossible dreams are nothing more than distractions. You must see them for what they are otherwise you are going to waste precious time and energy in pursuing them. Keep your aims and expectations simple and practical.


Sep 23 - Oct 23
Astro-Line: 083 9140 607
Be duly careful in handling your business affairs otherwise you might be outsmarted by a rival. Think new ventures through thoroughly so as to ensure that you are affecting only viable moves. Better yet, postpone action for a while.


Oct 23 - Nov 23
Astro-Line: 083 9140 608
Friendship could go awry, perhaps due to someone's jealous or mistrusting inclination. Gossip and slander could emanate from this session. It is now hard to avert having a fight with an acquaintance as there is no room for reason.


Nov 23 - Dec 22
Astro-Line: 083 9140 609
Do not allow others to crack your defences and put you under pressure. You are going through a phase in which nothing is certain or well defined so you need to be extra strong and cautious. Be self-reliant to counter a lack of support.


Dec 22 - Jan 21
Astro-Line: 083 9140 610
Personal drama of the negative kind could highlight this period in your life. You really need to be sensible and cautious; must not give in to impulsive or indiscreet behaviour that could leave your reputation and wishes in tatters.


Jan 21 - Feb 20
Astro-Line: 083 9140 611
Budget carefully in order to avoid a financial headache later on. Examine your earning options because you can add a little to your income if you apply yourself resolutely to that end. At the very least, keep well within your income.


Feb 20 - Mar 21
Astro-Line: 083 9140 612
Be ready to deal with firm opposition to your interests - whether these are of a personal, business or social nature. You might also encounter difficulties in dealing with a relative or a neighbour while communication is on the blink.

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