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Preparing for Winter: Best Machinery Choices for Manitoba Farmers

Winter in Manitoba is a tough experience. Even the hardiest of Canadians will struggle with the long, incredibly cold months between fall and spring. And while farming practices relax a little in the wintertime, there’s still lots to be done around the farm to prepare as best as possible for the year ahead.

You’ve come to the right place if you’re a Manitoban farmer looking for farm machinery for sale. Read on to find out how to prepare best for winter and why it’s essential to make the right choices regarding machinery.

Evaluate Your Tractor

Whether you’re a grain farmer or a livestock farmer, a tractor is undoubtedly a mainstay in your farming operations. If your tractor has been showing its age (say, repairs and the time spent waiting on new parts are holding you back), it might be time to invest.

Nowadays, tractors come with built-in heating systems, keeping you warm and comfortable regardless of the outside temperatures.

And if a new tractor isn’t in the budget, and you’re currently running a lawn or garden tractor, consider a soft cab to block those wintery winds. Most specialist farm supply stores will be able to steer you right with either option.

Consider Your Tractor Attachments

If you don’t already have one, a plow attachment for the front of your tractor will undoubtedly speed up the shoveling if you have a large area to clear.

A fertilizer sprayer for your tractor can also distribute road salt. However, salt and farms are a precarious mix. Soil with a high salinity level is detrimental to crop growth, mainly if you use salt with anti-freeze! Look for eco-friendly options. Cheese brine and beet juice are fantastic examples of environmentally sound de-icers that don’t damage the surrounding environment.

Boost Your Grain Storage

Grain may be stored during the winter as farmers await the best time to sell. With proper grain storage, farmers can prevent costly spoilage. Even when crops are harvested dry in the fall, keeping the bin cool is vital. This is because grain tends to sweat, creating heat and moisture that can cause the grain to mold or rot throughout.

For these reasons, the best grain drying equipment should be procured.
  • First, temperature cables inside grain bins can help farmers monitor the precise temperature throughout the bin. This can also save you power as vats aren’t over-ventilated or heated.
  • Aeration fans within the bin will let air circulate, reducing heat or moisture build-up.

Invest in a Grain Conveyor

Conveyors can significantly improve the process of moving grain to grain storage bins and to collection trucks. Not all conveyors are the same, however, so be sure to look for a conveyor that’s not only fast and precise (you certainly don’t want any spillage) but also gentle so that it doesn’t damage the product.

The Takeaway

While some this winter will be taken to prepare seeds and grain for the coming year, farming is a 365-day responsibility, especially for farms with animals. Streamline processes this winter with these machines and see your efficiency and output soar.

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