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The Benefits of Real-Time Messaging with SMS APIs


You must do everything possible to compete for business as a business owner. After all, the competition is doing everything possible to scoop up the business potential. You should now think, "Are you doing everything you can? If you are not using an SMS API provider, the answer to that question might be a no!

What is an SMS API Provider

As communications technology keeps moving the business world forward, each generation of technology is making it easier and faster to communicate with existing and potential customers. Today, it's SMS API technology that is carrying the communications torch.

An API or Application Programmable Interface is an interface that acts as a conduit for communication between two software platforms. In the text-messaging realm (SMS), an API is a conduit between cellular media and the software platforms merchants and service providers created. This technology allows said merchants and service providers to use their platforms to send text messages to millions of existing and potential customers in minutes.

Who amongst you doesn't receive unsolicited text messages daily from some company with something to sell? This form of mass communication is initiated primarily through SMS API providers with access to worldwide cell communication systems. Yes, this is one reason why eCommerce has become a global phenomenon.

It's the Speed That Matters Most

At a time when consumers have very short attention spans while being bombarded by texts, it's communication speed that matters most. The translation of communication speed is being able to communicate in real-time. With that in mind, the following information will focus on the benefits your company could derive from real-time text messaging run through an SMS API provider like a Twilio competitor.

Improves Scalability

For most merchants and service providers, the dream has always been for them to communicate with a large population of existing and potential customers quickly and with minimum effort in real time. The use of SMS API technology has made doing just that a reality.

It's the scalability that so many users appreciate the most. The number of existing and potential customers they can communicate with in real-time is restricted by the number of cell platforms to which a particular SMS API provider is connected.

Spreading the Word Now

The importance of real-time communication in the business world lies in the ability of companies to spread the word now. When companies want to send out alerts, it only works if a short-term warning reaches a maximum number of recipients while the information is relevant.

Example: A company decides to sell Product A at 50% of the retail price, and the deal is only suitable for hours. If they send that information out via email, only a small number of recipients would actually read the email before that sale expires. Since most people look at their text messages when alerted to do so, sending a promo text will absolutely result in more customer responses before the sale has concluded.

Getting Timely Input Back From Text Recipients

SMS API technology does much more than allow companies to send information to existing and potential customers. It also allows companies to get timely responses from their text recipients.

Here is another example: Company A needs input about product B, which is under scrutiny for safety issues. From Company A's database, they know which customers have recently purchased the product in question. Before the public is made aware of potential safety issues related to product B, company A can send texts to customers for immediate responses related to possible problems said customers might be having with product B. The ability of company A to collect data before public inquiries shows the real-time power of using an SMS API provider.


While there are other possible benefits of real-time messaging with SMS API technology, these three stand out. It asks, "How long will you wait before your company can start reaping the benefits of real-time text messaging?"

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