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How to Temporary Fix Plumbing Leaks at Home

Plumbing Leak

When pipes in your home spring a leak, immediate action is required to contain and prevent extensive water damage. You can take some steps to temporarily fix this problem until a professional plumber arrives to address it permanently.

Plumbing epoxy is your go-to for unexpected leaks. It's like professional molding clay that hardens to seal holes and cracks.

You'll want to act fast, and here are some DIY tips to help you out. For professional plumbing assistance, check out


There is a type of fiberglass tape designed to wrap around pipe leaks. Its sticky adhesiveness ensures effective leak prevention and stoppage until professional plumbers arrive and deal with them appropriately.

To use this type of tape effectively, water must first be shut off, the area around it dried off entirely, and carefully applied - although non-joint or fracture leaks require more comprehensive solutions that cannot be handled with this method alone.

Plastic or rubber patches may also prove helpful in stopping leaky pipes at joints. A plastic or rubber patch acts like a professional molding clay that can be shaped to cover leaks before being fastened with a clamp to retain water flow. Although temporary solutions exist, calling in a plumber as soon as possible is always recommended to ensure long-term solutions to leaks!


If your pipe has a crack or hole leaking water, it must be taken care of immediately, as this can damage walls, carpets, and fixtures in its wake.

One way of accomplishing this task is with epoxy putty. This malleable adhesive fills in holes and cracks before hardening into an indestructible solid. Available at most hardware stores, gloves should always be worn when handling this compound.

Before applying it to your sink's leak, turn off its water source; setting a bucket or trash can underneath will minimize potential water damage from this procedure.

When applying epoxy, mix the product according to its instructions on the package, place it directly over a leak, and let it set up. This should take only minutes, depending on which product you use; specific instructions for that particular product will specify this timeframe.


Leaky pipes can cause critical water damage to your home and property, so it is wise to have emergency leak repair tools on hand for immediate repairs. From pipe tape and epoxy putty to patch and clamp kits, these quick fixes may help temporarily reduce leaking pipes until professional plumbers arrive and take care of the issue for good.

Before beginning DIY repair efforts, locate and close off the local shut-off valve for your water line!

Rubber patches and clamp kits combine to seal cracks in pipes. Choose the appropriate size sleeve for your line; if there's leakage at a joint, add a clamp over the patch for increased sealing performance.

Pipe wraps

Pipe wraps can provide an easy and affordable way to prevent leaks from spreading. It is readily obtainable at most hardware stores and can simply be fitted by anyone with basic DIY skills.

Jubilee clips can help keep your pipes from leaking while working and protect against water damage to your home. One simple yet effective way of using them is to wrap a section of rubber tubing around a broken pipe.

This creates a seal to stop leaks until a plumber can come to take care of them; alternatively, you could try fiberglass wrap, which is coated with water-activated resin that serves as an immediate patch solution to temporarily seal up leaks in pipes.

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