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All You Need to Know About Impaired Driving

If you have been convicted of a DUI, seeking the assistance of a DUI lawyer is crucial. A DUI conviction can have serious consequences that negatively impact various aspects of your life, including:
  1. Fines: Dealing with substantial monetary penalties is a common consequence of a DUI conviction.
  2. Potential prison time: Depending on the circumstances and whether it's a repeat offense, serving time in prison may be possible.
  3. Driver's license suspension: A DUI conviction often leads to the rest of your driver's license, limiting mobility and independence.
  4. Disruption of quality of life: Understanding the consequences of a DUI conviction helps you realize the potential adverse effects on your overall well-being. No one wants to deal with severe consequences that can significantly impact their lives. If you find yourself in such a situation, it's crucial to promptly seek the services of a DUI lawyer.
We recently spoke with renowned Toronto DUI lawyer Calvin Barry to better understand impaired driving and its consequences. Over the years, Calvin has represented thousands of individuals for DUIs, including celebrities and high-profile clients.

What Constitutes Driving Impaired?

In Ontario, driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeding 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood can lead to a DUI charge. Several factors contribute to the amount of alcohol required to surpass this threshold, including:
  • Gender
  • Weight
  • Body type
  • Metabolic rate
Personal tolerance to alcohol does not necessarily play a significant role in determining whether you will surpass the legal limit. Even if you appear sober, you can still blow over the legal limit on a breathalyzer test. Body type has a more pronounced effect compared to tolerance levels. For example, a lighter person may have a higher chance of surpassing the legal limit after consuming only one drink. At the same time, a heavier individual may need to consume more to reach the same level.

On average, consuming three drinks is often considered the threshold for measuring alcohol consumption rates. However, accurately assessing the amount of alcohol consumed at social gatherings can be challenging. If you feel the effects of alcohol in such situations, it's advisable to call a taxi or wait until you are no longer impaired before driving. Taking these precautions increases your chances of avoiding the negative consequences of a potential DUI.

Which Drinks Count?

Contrary to popular belief, most alcoholic beverages are generally standardized regarding alcohol content. Regardless of the type of drink—wine, beer, or spirits—a serving size typically constitutes one drink. For example, a glass of wine is equivalent to a pint of beer, and a pint of beer is equal to a shot of vodka. It is worth noting that some drinks may have higher alcohol content than others, and the alcohol content is typically indicated by volume on labels.

Common Questions About Drunk Driving

There are several common questions people have regarding driving after consuming alcohol. Here are some answers to address these concerns:
  • Can you go to jail for driving under the influence? For a first-time conviction, jail time is unlikely, with fines being the more common consequence. However, for a second offense, imprisonment becomes a possibility.
  • How long will I spend in prison? A second DUI conviction can result in approximately one month of imprisonment, while a third offense may lead to up to four months of incarceration.
  • What are the limits for driving impaired? The legal limit is having over 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood.
  • Can I safely drive after a pint of beer? For the majority of people, consuming a pint of beer will not result in surpassing the legal limit of 80 mg. However, if you are lightweight, you can still exceed the legal limit.
  • What can I expect from my first DUI conviction? Hiring a DUI lawyer is crucial if you are currently dealing with your first DUI offense. Typically, you can expect a fine of approximately $1,000 and a driver's license suspension for around a month.

Dispelling Myths About Drunk Driving

There are several misconceptions surrounding drunk driving. Here are some myths and corresponding facts to clarify:
  • Myth: I can still drive safely after a couple of drinks. Fact: Nearly one in five individuals involved in alcohol-related crashes have a blood alcohol concentration below the legal limit.
  • Myth: Alcohol-related accidents are not expected. Fact: Alcohol significantly affects approximately one in three road accidents.
  • Myth: Breathalyzer tests are not accurate. Fact: When administered by a professional technician, breathalyzer tests are nearly 99% accurate.
  • Myth: Breathalyzer tests can be tricked using various methods. Fact: Chewing gum or other tactics cannot deceive a breathalyzer test. These tests measure the alcohol level in your blood.
  • Myth: High alcohol tolerance increases the chance of passing a breathalyzer test. Fact: While individuals with high alcohol tolerance may appear sober compared to those with a lower tolerance, they can still exceed the legal limit of 80 mg in 100 ml of blood.

What to Expect After Being Pulled Over for Driving Under the Influence

Being pulled over under suspicion of drunk driving can be stressful and anxiety-inducing. Documenting everything that happens during the process is essential, as it can help you understand the situation and provide valuable information to share with your DUI lawyer. Your account of the incident may differ from the police officer's report, and if there are any errors or discrepancies, your lawyer can use them to your advantage.

Getting a DUI lawyer will guide you through the following steps. While you were pulled over for driving under the influence, you don't have to face the process alone. When selecting a lawyer, ensure they possess professionalism and a strong reputation in DUI law. With his solid track record, Calvin Barry has helped numerous individuals facing DUI charges avoid consequences such as a criminal record, imprisonment, loss of their driver's license, and increased insurance rates.

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