Fingerprint Scanners

Biometrics are currently part of everyday life. Whether at border control points or opening mobile devices such as phones and tablets, people worldwide are comfortable using different parts of their bodies to verify themselves.

At the center of biometrics are fingerprint scanners. Today, you’ll learn more about the different types of fingerprint scanner available in the market. You’ll also learn how they work and their applications. Let’s dig in to discover more!

What Are Fingerprint Scanners and How Do They Work?

Fingerprint scanners are optical devices designed and created to capture a person’s fingerprint's unique qualities. So how do they work? When you place your finger on the fingerprint scanner’s glass panel, it produces bright light that bounces off the panel onto the lens to capture the print image.

These scanners have advanced optical systems that fully reduce the direct sunlight and ambient light effect allowing the capture of fingerprints from dark, stained or marked fingers. They have sensors that capture images and convert the valleys and ridges of the print into current data. This process creates a person’s fingerprint code.

The current data is processed, transferred to a custom-built system, and checked against stored data to identify and verify a person. On most fingerprint scanner user interfaces, LEDs are available to indicate that fingerprints have been captured. Also, they provide feedback on the prints' quality and type.

What are the Main Applications of Fingerprint Scanners?

A range of fingerprint scanner applications is available, especially in sectors where the identification of people is crucial. High-quality fingerprint scanners are usually FBI-certified, making them ideal for private systems and state agencies globally.

Fingerprint scanning is applied in different industries and workplaces, such as front-desk identification, banking enrolment, citizen enrolment, electronic gates, and immigration and border control verification. These devices can also be used when issuing and verifying IDs and essential documents such as visas, driver’s licenses, and passports.

Also, fingerprint scanners can be used for non-official applications such as providing access to gates, doors, phones, and computers and making payments. The primary industries that use fingerprint scanners include security, government, health, and law enforcement.

What Are the Popular Types of Fingerprint Scanners?

Not every fingerprint scanner is suitable for every application. That is why they are available in different types, which include single-finger, dual-finger, ten-finger, and palm scanners. While these fingerprint scanner types offer the same services, they only differ in how many fingers they can accommodate or scan simultaneously.

Fingerprint scanners are widely used for biometric authentication due to their accuracy and ease of use. They come in various types, each with its own technology and application. Here’s a rundown of the different types of fingerprint scanners:

1. Optical Fingerprint Scanners

  • How They Work: Optical scanners use light to capture a visual image of the fingerprint. The finger is placed on a glass surface, and light is reflected from the ridges and valleys of the fingerprint. A camera or sensor then captures this image.
  • Pros:
    • Generally affordable.
    • Good for capturing high-quality images of fingerprints.
  • Cons:
    • Can be less effective in bright light conditions or if the finger is dirty or wet.
    • May be vulnerable to spoofing with high-quality fingerprint images.

2. Capacitive Fingerprint Scanners

  • How They Work: Capacitive scanners use an array of tiny capacitors to detect the fingerprint ridges and valleys. When a finger is placed on the sensor, the capacitance changes due to the varying distances between the ridges and valleys.
  • Pros:
    • More secure than optical scanners due to the need for physical contact.
    • Provides a high level of accuracy and can work in various lighting conditions.
  • Cons:
    • Can be more expensive than optical scanners.
    • Requires a clean surface for optimal performance.

3. Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanners

  • How They Work: Ultrasonic scanners use high-frequency sound waves to capture the fingerprint’s surface and sub-surface details. The sound waves bounce off the ridges and valleys of the fingerprint, creating a detailed 3D map.
  • Pros:
    • Highly accurate and can capture both surface and subsurface details.
    • Works well with wet or dry fingers and in various environmental conditions.
  • Cons:
    • Typically more expensive.
    • Technology is still relatively new and may not be as widely adopted.

4. Thermal Fingerprint Scanners

  • How They Work: Thermal scanners detect the heat emitted by the finger to create a fingerprint image. The ridges of the fingerprint have different thermal properties compared to the valleys, allowing the scanner to create an image based on temperature differences.
  • Pros:
    • Effective in detecting fingerprints even if they are slightly dirty or moist.
    • Can work well in different lighting conditions.
  • Cons:
    • May not be as commonly used as optical or capacitive scanners.
    • Can be less accurate in extreme temperatures.

5. Hybrid Fingerprint Scanners

  • How They Work: Hybrid scanners combine multiple technologies, such as optical and capacitive, to capture fingerprints. They leverage the strengths of each technology to improve accuracy and reliability.
  • Pros:
    • Offers enhanced accuracy and reliability by integrating different scanning methods.
    • Can handle various conditions better than single-technology scanners.
  • Cons:
    • Generally more expensive.
    • May be more complex to maintain.

Applications and Considerations

  • Security: The type of scanner used can affect the level of security. Capacitive and ultrasonic scanners are generally more secure than optical scanners due to their ability to detect more detailed fingerprint characteristics.

  • Environment: When choosing a fingerprint scanner, consider the operating environment. For instance, ultrasonic scanners can handle different conditions better than optical scanners.

  • Cost: Budget considerations may influence the choice of scanner. Optical scanners are typically more affordable, while ultrasonic and hybrid scanners are more expensive.

  • User Experience: Ease of use and speed are important factors. Capacitive and ultrasonic scanners generally offer faster and more reliable performance than optical scanners.


Choosing the right fingerprint scanner depends on security requirements, environmental conditions, budget, and user experience. Each type of scanner has its strengths and limitations, so it’s essential to evaluate your specific needs before making a decision.

Also, the number of fingers makes them ideal for different applications. For example, palm scanners are used in biometric identification cases, where they determine a person’s identity in law enforcement applications like refugee camps, police stations, and prisons. When buying a fingerprint scanner, you need to remember that the more the number of fingers, the higher the accuracy level.