Love the benefits of CBD but need to pass a drug test? Sometimes your work might require you to take a random drug test. And if you like taking CBD or need to take CBD for certain health conditions, you’re probably wondering:
These are all valid questions, especially if you take CBD daily or regularly. The truth is, you’re unlikely to fail a drug test or a drug screen, but there are plenty of other factors that determine whether you pass or fail. A false positive may also occur.
The good news is you can still pass a drug test even with CBD in your system! CBD and drug tests can be complicated and often confusing, but there’s no need to be intimidated.
Not to worry! We have everything you need to know right here, from how to pass a drug test to the best CBD products so you don’t have to sacrifice your health or comfort before a drug test.
Drug screen vs. Drug test
First, what’s the difference between a drug screen and a drug test?
You might have gathered this by now, but a drug test and a drug screen are different. What is a drug screen? A drug screening takes much less time and gives quicker results than a full drug test, and they’re much more affordable too. Most employers will elect for a drug screen to save both time and money.
The catch, however, is that drug screenings test broadly for metabolites, which can result in a positive because these tests don’t specify which drug is present. They simply show a “positive.” This makes drug screenings suitable for a quick assessment, but they don’t disclose the whole picture.
Drug tests, meanwhile, take much longer to process results but will provide far more information, such as the specific type of substance and how much of it has been found. A urine drug test is the way to go if you want more reliable and in-depth results.
Will CBD show up on a drug screen or drug test?
We won’t lie to you — there is always a chance that CBD may appear in a drug screen or test. Both are designed to check for THC, an intoxicating cannabinoid usually found in CBD products. THC can be detectable in urine for up to 30 days after use, depending on the frequency of use.
But the good news is that all legal CBD products contain 0.3% or less THC,, which is only a trace amount. Ideally, this tiny amount of THC shouldn’t show up on a drug test, and even if it does, nothing should cause worry. While it’s possible for this small amount of THC to still be detected by a drug screen or drug test, it’s not a guarantee of a positive result.
But as with most things, there is still a catch. If you consume CBD supplements daily or for an extended period, those trace amounts of THC may build up, causing your body to store a higher amount of THC. This can result in a failed drug screen or drug test. But like we said, plenty of other factors determine whether you pass or fail a drug test. When asking, “Will CBD oil make you fail a drug test?” you’ll have to consider not just your CBD intake but other factors as well, like your body composition, metabolism, and overall health.
So, does CBD show up on a drug test? Yes, it can if there is enough of it present.
Can you fail a drug test due to CBD? Yes, there is still a chance you can fail, but the likelihood of that is very low as long as you have consumed less than the cut-off value of most drug tests.
Luckily, most federal workplace drug tests have been designed not to tag trace amounts of THC with a positive result. So as long as your legal CBD products only contain less than 0.3% THC, you should be good to go.
Will CBD cause a “false positive” drug test?
What is a false positive? As the name suggests, a false positive is when a drug test returns positive for a substance the user didn’t consume. False positives can flag average or below-average amounts of THC as abnormal and cause you to fail a drug test.
Why false positives occur can be due to several reasons.
- What drugs should not be taken with CBD? Certain medications, such as NSAIDs, dronabinol, pantoprazole, and efavirenz, can interfere with drug test results
- Mislabeled or untested THC products
- Breathing in second-hand marijuana smoke may lead to a positive result as well.
3 ways to avoid “false positive” drug tests when taking CBD
You’d hate for a drug test to come back positive, even if it is just a false positive, so here are 3 ways to avoid a positive or false positive result.
Consider the frequency of false positives
All things considered, false positives are actually much rarer than you think. Only 5 to 10% of drug screens actually result in false positives. Remember, drug screenings are less accurate and comprehensive than a drug test, so there is a higher chance of getting a false positive with a drug screen.
In the case of drug tests, however, false positives are exceedingly rare. If you get a false positive result in a drug screening, keep in mind that you can always request a drug test instead to get a much better reading of your THC levels.
Let your employer or test administrator know about any medications you take
And yes, this includes all CBD supplements you take, whether medically or recreationally. It’s best to be completely upfront and honest rather than wait for a surprise false positive. Some medications may also affect how your body stores THC. If you let your drug test administrator know immediately, they can consider that when determining whether you pass or fail. You could also request a note from your doctor to be given to your employer or administrator if you need CBD for your health and wellness.
Be careful of the CBD products you use
CBD products with incorrect labels that don’t reflect an accurate THC dosage, products that haven’t been adequately tested, have been contaminated, or defective products in general can all affect the results of a drug test. When selecting a brand or a product to use, be sure to find a high-quality one from a company that you trust that’s transparent about its manufacturing and testing practices, as well as delivers accurate dosages. When in doubt, check reviews and testimonials from trusted sources, friends, and family.
Best CBD products to take so you won’t fail a drug test
Thankfully, you don’t have to give up CBD entirely right before a drug test! You can still enjoy CBD and pass a drug screening or drug test with the right CBD products. It’s all about picking the right kind of supplements. Here’s what you should look out for, including our own recommendations!
CBD Isolate
CBD isolate products contain only CBD and no THC. The higher level of processing and limited cannabinoid profile make CBD isolate an excellent choice for those concerned about drug testing.
that’s also completely free of THC.
Broad Spectrum CBD
As the name suggests, broad-spectrum CBD contains many cannabinoids, including CBD. But not THC! Broad-spectrum CBD ensures that you get a “broad” variety of health-promoting cannabinoids and terpenes, but THC is expressly excluded from that profile.
Wild Theory has the best selection of broad-spectrum CBD oils for all your various CBD needs. It has one-of-a-kind formulas for all your various CBD needs:
Full Spectrum CBD
Now unlike CBD isolate and broad spectrum CBD, full spectrum CBD does contain THC, but only up to 0.3%. And like we said, this small trace amount of THC shouldn’t be enough to trigger a “high” or a positive drug test result. So long as you’re not frequently taking higher doses for an extended period, you should be fine.
Remember, however, that ANY form of hemp-derived oils — whether full spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD or CBD isolate — could trigger a false positive.
Research the regulations
It’s all good to be aware of all this, but one of the most important things you should consider are the specific rules and regulations for the state you live or work in. Different forms have different laws and guidelines when it comes to CBD. Some might be stricter than others, while some could be more lax.
You should also check your company’s regulations and policies surrounding CBD and other medications. Avoid any issues before they happen by being upfront with your manager, HR department, or immediate superior. When in doubt, it pays to do your research.
Buy CBD with freedom!
CBD products can’t guarantee that you’ll pass any drug screening or test, but they don’t guarantee that you'll fail either! Be discerning with your CBD products to minimize your chances of a positive result. You can always trust CBD products that are locally grown, are of great quality, and meet the highest standards for potency and purity.
Wild Theory’s CBD products are all that, plus they come with a Certificate of Analysis that guarantees that you get an accurate dosage with the highest quality ingredients and manufacturing process. Buy from your
local CBD store today for all your CBD needs!