Disasters come in all shapes and sizes, and as a result, so do their dangers, especially after they have occurred.
Immediately following a disaster will be many dangers, such as collapsed buildings, overflowing sewers and rivers, and displaced animals. And because disasters appear when few people are working anymore, all things will be unmanned.
So you need to recognize the dangers that follow disasters, know how to avoid them and know survival skills. They are imperative now and in the future. That's why in this article, we're going to discuss survival skills that you should never forget.
1. Learn to Analyze Your Surroundings
Knowing what’s around you gives you a better understanding of how to better prepare yourself for the uncertain. You want to notice items such as types of terrain, bodies of water, caves, special landmarks, or possible dangers. This information can save you time and help you determine a better plan for the situation.
As part of analyzing your surroundings, you should also take note of any available resources, such as vegetation. Find non-biting animals and even clues that could help you locate additional resources.
2. Build a Bug Out Bag
The items in your
bug out bag will vary depending on your location. It will also depend on the type of emergency you may be facing and the skill set of the individuals in your family.
The ultimate bag should contain an emergency first aid kit, a fire-starting kit, and a communication device. It should also include nutrition and hydration, shelter, and a knife.
3. Craft Fire
Knowing how to safely start a fire and create shelter can mean the difference between life and death. To build a fire, you'll need tinder, kindling, and more significant pieces of wood. Tinder should be material that lights quickly and easily, like dried grass, twigs, cotton balls, or lint from a dryer.
Once you have your Tinder, you'll want to arrange your kindling in a crisscross pattern on top of it. After you light the kindling, you'll need to feed the fire with larger pieces of wood to maintain it.
4. Learn First Aid
Knowing basic first aid skills can help a victim before professional medical assistance arrives. It can even be the difference between life and death.
Knowing how to clean wounds and do CPR are key skills to have in any emergency situation. So be sure to get a certification from
MyCPR NOW. Other first aid skills include controlling bleeding and recognizing the signs and symptoms of a stroke or heart attack.
5. Learn Self-Defense
Self-defense classes teach us how to defend ourselves so that we are prepared for any attack. During the classes, we learn proper form and techniques for defending ourselves against an attacker.
We also learn how to use specific pieces of defensive equipment, such as pepper spray, so we are better prepared if an attacker should come our way.
Learn These Survival Skills Now
In times of emergency, having the right survival skills can make all the difference. So you must be prepared and know how to respond in potentially dangerous situations. Knowing basic first aid, self-defense, and emergency preparedness skills can help increase your chances of survival in such extreme conditions.
So what are you waiting for? Find a class today to learn these important skills for your own safety!
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