Wood heaters remain an efficient and cosy option for many homes. Although some compare them unfavourably with the more modern gas and electric heaters, wood-burning heaters will remain in society for a long time. And rightfully so – they are as efficient as they have always been, stylish, and bring rustic ambience to a living space.
What Determines the Efficiency of a Wood Burner?
The efficiency of a wood heater is determined by the percentage of heat moved through the area when a load of firewood or other fuel undergoes combustion. Wood-burning appliances have combustion and overall efficiency, the parameters used to determine the
most efficient wood-burning heater.
The factors that determine the efficiency of a wood heater include wood moisture, the type of wood used as fuel, and the installation and operation of the stove or appliance, such as the chimney's height and outside piping.
Types of Wood Heaters on the Market
Wood heaters are either convection wood heaters or radiant wood heaters. Radiant wood heaters radiate heat from a centralized source and serve well in buildings with poor insulation or high ceilings.
Convection wood heaters work best in insulated living spaces and spread warm air around a room. The convection theory explains that warm air rises, so cold air draws close to the heater for warming.
Wood heaters remain a preferred option for many homes because they are cost-effective, especially in rural settings with abundant wood. It is an affordable option and adds to the ambiance of the living space by giving it a homely aura.
How to Improve the Efficiency of a Wood Heater
Modern wood heaters perform better because of constant EPA reviews on standards and call for upgrades. For instance, wood heaters with glass doors perform better than open fires. Nevertheless, adopting the following measures can significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of a wood heater.
Split the firewood to expose more of its surface area to the elements to speed up the drying process. Seasoning of the wood takes longer for unsplit firewood. Air circulation aids the drying process, so splitting the wood and loose stacking speeds up drying and seasoning.
Burn well-seasoned firewood for more efficient and cleaner combustion. Seasoned wood has cracks at the ends. Unseasoned wood produces a dull thud compared to the sharp cracking sound produced by hitting pieces of seasoned wood together.
Store firewood outdoors, off the ground, and sheltered from the elements. Furthermore, a heap of firewood should not be brought indoors, even for pre-drying. A day's worth of wood is enough. Excess pieces of firewood release humidity into the air in the living space.
Burn firewood only and no other materials like plastics, synthetic fabrics, diapers, painted wood, and glossy magazines in the wood heater. When burned, these materials produce toxic and irritating fumes that pollute the environment and are risky when inhaled.
Final Thoughts
Today people install wood-burning heaters as a primary or supplementary heat source or as part of the décor. Such appliances should be safe and efficient to provide value for the users.