Whether it’s due to one’s importance, influence, or status, the social standing of high-profile individuals offers benefits like no other. That said, such a lifestyle also comes with certain risks and threats regarding that individual’s safety. Not only that, but their family members and assets are also at a greater risk of violations and crime. And it’s not just politicians, business executives, and celebrities who make attractive targets for criminals. Anyone with any kind of threat they’re under (or believes so) can be exposed to safety risks.
This is why investing in security is a logical solution if you’re a VIP. If you are interested in or are looking to hire VIP protection, here is a list of duties and responsibilities these highly-trained professionals are expected to stay on top of.
Visible deterrents
When you think of VIP security, the first thing that comes to mind is probably sleek-looking professionals with black suits, muscular physiques, and imposing presences. You’re not wrong. These images pop up in our minds primarily due to what we’ve seen in Hollywood movies and TV shows.
However, it is also one of the purposes of having VIP security – they need to look intimidating and make themselves visible. After all, having powerful visual deterrents by your side is great for warding off any potential criminals, and the threatening appeal of men (and women!) in black certainly goes a long way in achieving that.
Planning in advance
Looking fierce and intimidating is critical, but it’s just one of the many aspects of being VIP security. As personal protection personnel, ensuring you’re always one step ahead is essential. Thinking and planning in advance is a must in close protection work, and there are many tasks that VIP security is expected to take care of.
Whether they’re
chartering a private jet or driving in a limo, whenever a VIP is visiting a location, security personnel need to conduct a thorough inspection of the area to ensure their client’s safety. This is regardless of whether the client is visiting a location on a one-time basis or traveling there frequently. If there are specific routes that the client often uses, it’ll be your job to study them in great detail. You’re also expected to accompany VIP individuals during their trips and escort them to and from vehicles while careful monitoring who is accessing the client or their surroundings and verifying them beforehand.
Close protection of the client
More often than not, the job of VIP security will involve close, direct protection of their client. Whether the client is headed for a meeting or attending a particular event, it is up to you to make sure they’re safeguarded at all times. This is when the clients are the most vulnerable, making security work all the more critical.
This is why many reputable security companies, such as
GSG Security, rely on the experience and training of former law enforcement officers and firefighters to meet their VIP clients’ safety needs. Having someone experienced in risk assessment and management look after a VIP in public is sure to give the clients the peace of mind they need. There are many risks and threats for such individuals when attending public events, and having someone they can trust to closely guard and protect them is vital.
Periodic security reports
Another duty of a VIP security guard, security reports are there for many reasons. For starters, they give insight into the security status of a client. They’re used to evaluate past work and help a security team make necessary changes and improve the way they work.
VIP security will make periodic reports even when nothing happens, and the client is safe. In case of an incident, they’re expected to provide clear information documenting precisely what happened. This is then implemented into future strategies and tactics, thus ensuring nothing similar occurs again.
Handling firearms and transportation services
Last but not least, VIP security needs to be able to handle firearms correctly when circumstances call for them. Of course, geographic legislation will dictate the use of weapons.
They’re also expected to provide transportation services to clients who must be adequately trained. Generally speaking, VIP personnel are trained to provide mobile protection thanks to skills they learn during advanced and evasive driving training. Aside from safely transporting the client from point A to point B, they’ll also carry out other vehicle-related tasks. These include everything from vehicle maintenance to inspections, both pre and post-trips.
Wrapping up
Being a VIP certainly has its privileges. As rewarding as it can be, the VIP lifestyle makes a high-profile individual far more susceptible to security threats and risks. Investing in quality security personnel is a no-brainer for these individuals, and it all starts with identifying the one that fits your needs best.