aims to alleviate the symptoms of random and brief episodes of cyclothymia. The severity of symptoms and the pattern of mood swings are the critical distinctions between cyclothymia and other bipolar disorders. The hypomanic and depressive symptoms aren't as severe as those needed to make a bipolar disorder or primary depression diagnosis.
What is cyclothymic disorder?
Cyclothymic disorder is a mood disorder with symptoms of recurrent, fluctuating episodes of hypomania and mild depressive symptoms. These highs and lows can persist for at least two years, but the symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criteria for manic depressive and bipolar disorders. The elevated mood of hypomania is less severe than in other serious mental disorders. Still, it typically includes irritability, increased restlessness, overly talkative, and decreased need for sleep or food. These episodes are not extreme and don't usually require hospitalization or result in any injury or impairment.
The depressive symptoms in cyclothymia are also milder, so the distinguishing attribute is the impact, frequency, and recurrence of hypomanic and depressive symptoms over an extended period. Getting a clinical diagnosis from a qualified psychiatrist who can develop the most appropriate treatment plan and monitor the patient for adjustments and progress is vital.
What is bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder alters a person's activity, mood, and capacity for function. They experience severe emotional bouts, or mood episodes, lasting a few days to weeks. While many people without bipolar disorder experience mood swings, these moments typically last a few hours and not for days on end. People with bipolar disorder can go on to live full and productive lives if they have received proper treatment.
Individuals with bipolar disorder will show a stark change in behavior that can interfere with daily activities and functioning. With treatment, symptoms can improve, but without therapeutic interventions, bipolar disorder can get worse and may result in suicide ideation. People with hypomania typically don't need to stay in the hospital. However, when symptoms are extreme and manic, medical attention is needed to stabilize the individual’s mood.
Mania symptoms are typically far more severe and intrusive, and it can lead to dangerous circumstances. A mental healthcare team usually collaborates to recommend the next best steps to improve the patient’s health.
The basis of bipolar disorder treatment is medication management and psychotherapies. Not only does this combination help reduce symptoms, but it also helps minimize the risk of developing psychosis and decrease severe manic or depressive episodes.
Cyclothymic disorder vs bipolar
Alternating episodes of intense emotional highs and lows are symptoms of bipolar disorder, which is further categorized into subtypes, namely bipolar I, bipolar II, and cyclothymia. Each type has a different intensity of symptoms that usually affect mood and energy levels.
Bipolar 1 and 2 can appear to be very similar. However, one key point is that people with bipolar 2 do not experience mania, whereas those with bipolar 1 do experience at least one episode of mania in their life. Bipolar 1 sufferers also have more severe symptoms that interfere with their daily lives, especially during a manic episode.
Symptoms and severity
Cyclothymic disorder is where an individual experiences frequent episodes of hypomanic and depressive symptoms. Hypomanic symptoms come with a high risk of negative consequences and depressive symptoms that are harmful and isolating. However, these symptoms are not as extreme as bipolar symptoms.
Episodes of depression described as melancholy, low energy, and diminished interest in activities alternate with episodes of mania, such as having an elevated mood, extreme anger, increased energy, and a high risk of impulsivity. In severe cases, such as full-blown mania will require hospitalization.
People with cyclothymia and bipolar disorder find establishing and maintaining healthy connections with family, friends, coworkers, and romantic partners challenging. However, individuals with cyclothymic disorder have fewer sick days off and fewer hospitalizations than those diagnosed with bipolar.
Causes and risk factors
Bipolar disorder vs cyclothymic disorder is similar in that the precise causes and risks for developing either mental disorder are complex. Risk factors include genetic, physiological, environmental, and psychological elements. Bipolar or cyclothymic disorders are more likely to occur in families with a history of mood or psychiatric disorders.
Serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine imbalances, as well as anomalies in brain structure and chemistry, can also play a role in both conditions. Other aspects, such as environmental, trauma, or substance addiction, can also contribute to the development these mood disorders.
Treatment approaches
Bipolar and cyclothymic disorders are typically treated with medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes, including exercise and a nutritious diet. The specific treatment strategy may change depending on the intensity of the symptoms. However, treatment approaches are similar in that goals include learning to regulate emotions and taking mood stabilizer medication like lithium. In both cases, early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve the prognosis.
Psychotherapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) help to improve mood management while addressing the underlying emotional difficulties that could be contributing to cyclothymic disorder or bipolar. Because symptoms are more intense and extreme in bipolar, some patients may need emergency care or hospitalization to ensure immediate safety. With both diseases, therapy can also teach individuals to manage their condition better to avoid relapse by identifying triggers and having a crisis strategy.
Final thoughts
Both disorders have recurrent bouts of emotional highs and lows, but the main difference between bipolar and cyclothymic disorders is the severity and duration of their symptoms. Cyclothymia is a milder kind of bipolar disorder, and both conditions can be better managed using talk therapies and medication.
Getting a proper diagnosis through a licensed mental health specialist who will create a personalized treatment plan that considers each person’s unique requirements is necessary. Routine monitoring and modifications to the treatment plan are invaluable to maximize results and avoid relapse.
Cyclothymia and bipolar are chronic conditions. But with continuous and individualized therapy, medication, and psychotherapy, people can better manage their symptoms and enjoy healthy and purposeful lives.