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Why You Should Use a Catalog Printing Service

If you are preparing to launch a new catalog to promote your product or service, it is important to consider using a catalog printing service. The benefits of using a printing service to print your catalog include the fact that you will be able to get your products or services out to customers in a timely fashion.

Ensure the designer has included a quiet area and a 1/8'' bleed area in the catalogue

When creating a catalog for printing, it is important to ensure that the design has a 1/8'' bleed area. During the trimming process, key design elements could get cut off. It is also important that your imagery is well-positioned and high-resolution. This will help customers understand the products you are selling.

If you're preparing a digital catalog, make sure your images have a minimum of 300 DPI. Your imagery should also be well-lit to avoid pixelation.

Printing equipment does not always accommodate printing to the edge of the page. This means you must include an extra piece of paper to print your artwork. The artwork should then extend past the trim line to cover the bleed.

In addition to the 1/8'' bleed, you must include a quiet area of 1/4''. This buffer area, or quiet border, will prevent important elements from getting cut off during trimming. Creating this safe space will keep your design from bending or folding.

You may be surprised to learn that there are different bleed requirements for different types of products. You'll want to consult your printer before adding the bleed to your artwork. They will be able to tell you how to set up your bleed settings.

Once you have a bleed setup, you can save the file as a PDF. You can preview the art you're preparing for printing in Adobe Illustrator. InDesign allows you to do this as well. After saving the file, click the More Options button.

You can also add trim marks to your PDF. These marks will indicate the cut line. By adding these marks to your PDF, you'll be able to see where to cut your artwork.

Adding a bleed will give your design a professional look and help ensure it makes it through the printing process. Having a bleed is easy to do.

Whether you're designing a catalogue or a poster, you can create a bleed area to ensure that your design will reach the edge of the paper. To create a bleed area, you can create a bleed box slightly larger than the trim box.

Schedule a catalog printing service during the peak season

Whether you're trying to promote your business or your products, catalogues are a great way to make a powerful impression. They can also help you to expand your local and global reach. However, the cost of printing a catalogue can be high. If you're planning to use one for a promotional campaign, you'll want to choose a reliable printer that offers a variety of professional finishing options.

One of the best ways to get the most for your money is to print your catalogues in bulk. Many printing companies offer discounts for large-quantity orders. Even if you're only sending out a few copies, you can save a lot of money.

Another cost-effective option is to work with a printer that offers print-on-demand services. This allows you to change or add catalogue pages as needed. You can also keep your catalogs in stock.

Depending on your needs, you may need to send your catalogues through a co-mail program, which will keep the postage cost down. Some of these programs are available at an extra charge.

The cost of paper is continuing to rise. Paper plants are running out of inventory, and printers are experiencing staffing shortages. These problems are making it harder to print catalogues.

The paper shortage is even more serious than it was earlier in the year. Printing plants are being allocated paper by mills. But now, these mills are cutting production. And paper companies are dictating new rules on how businesses operate.

You'll need to be prepared to communicate with your printer during a paper shortage. He or she will need to know what size and number of pages you want, what paper you're using, and the dates you want your catalogues in the hands of your clients.

Having the proper printing service can make or break your catalog. When looking for a catalog printing service, approach at least five printers before you decide on a company. Each one will give you a different quote for your project. A reputable printer will be willing to assist you in any way possible.

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