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Why You Need To Install a Fire Sprinkler System In Your Workplace

Are you a company owner, property owner, or facilities manager in Queensland? If you have been thinking about fire safety, you have undoubtedly heard about sprinkler systems and how they function. You're probably aware that sprinklers may help prevent fires, but what more can they offer?

What Is a Sprinkler System?

Fire sprinkler systems in QLD consist primarily of a water supply pipe network and sprinkler heads designed to release water to douse a fire when activated. Smaller facilities may rely on the municipal water system, while bigger ones may benefit from separate water tanks and fire pumps.

Having a fire sprinkler system (mic coating) installed and regularly maintained is essential to preventing loss of life or extensive property damage in the event of a fire. However, a workplace fire sprinkler system must be strategically designed and expertly installed to provide the best protection, and all critical components must be regularly maintained, tested, and serviced.

Commercial building fire sprinklers must adhere to state and local regulations, and any update to or modification of a fire sprinkler system should start with a comprehensive risk assessment. Here are 6 reasons you need to install a fire sprinkler system in your workplace.

1. Automatic Sprinkler Systems Save Lives

Always ensure the safety of your employees and visitors. In the event of a fire, an automatic sprinkler system may assist in keeping the area safe while allowing people to evacuate. Rising heat and smoke trigger the sprinklers, alerting the occupants of the building to the fire's presence long before they are in immediate danger. Sprinkler systems actively contain fires instead of only alerting people to the threat, as do smoke alarms. Because of this, they are a very effective means of saving lives. The National Fire Chiefs Council for Protection and Business Safety conducted research in the field between 2013 and 2018.

This proved that non-residential buildings with installed sprinkler systems did not have fatal fires throughout the study. The death toll was far lower in facilities where sprinklers were installed, at only five people.

2. Simple And Easy To Maintain

An adequate fire prevention plan was perceived as lacking in importance by owners or management. Without question, installing a fire sprinkler system is the most time-consuming aspect of your fire prevention strategy. Most fire sprinkler systems have an estimated lifespan of up to 20 years. Maintenance is a simple, annual check to ensure it is in good working order or that minor maintenance needs are addressed promptly to minimise risk exposure. A

According to a Fire and Safety Australia study, 50% of occupants were unaware of an action plan for evacuation during an emergency and needed to be more confident about using a fire extinguisher. Hence, it is essential to have simple and easy-to-maintain systems. Organisations need to figure out the best plan for fire prevention and make their organisation aware of the procedure.

3. Low Cost to Set Up and Use

Sprinkler systems are a significant investment considering the safety they provide and the money they may save in the case of a fire. These technologies promote a safe workplace at a reasonable price, can be set up quickly, and won't break the bank.

An automated sprinkler system pays for itself when you factor in the money you will save in the event of a fire. However, sprinklers are mechanically simple and economical to install. Thus there are low-cost initial expenditures with exponential protective benefits.

4. Decreases The Potential For Harm

Sprinkler systems, when operational, may save lives and limit property loss. However, simply installing a sprinkler system doesn't imply you can overlook maintenance needs. The study found that paying attention to annual checks and inspections contributed to the failure of 44% of scenarios included in testing.

5. Increased Worth of Your Building

For residential properties, installing a high-quality sprinkler system may dramatically raise the value of your home when the time comes to sell; the same is valid for commercial properties. While the initial outlay for establishing a commercial fire prevention system may seem significant, a commercial property with a fire sprinkler system installed would likely attract more bidders and fetch a higher sales price. The office sale will bring in more cash, and the new owners can get to work faster and with enough prevention measures in place.


Organisations that need to secure their spaces should always install fire sprinkler systems in their workplace. High costs may be associated with installing an automated fire sprinkler system in QLD. Additionally, every building's architecture needs to be better thought out to accommodate these systems. Fire prevention needs proactive measures and the right kind of sprinkler based on the premises to be installed seamlessly and successfully.

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