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App Creating: Tips To Create App In 8 Easy Steps

People increasingly rely on apps (including Android) for personal and professional needs. Smartphones are ubiquitous, and businesses must take advantage of the immense business opportunity that the apps present regarding customer engagement, revenue generation, and brand awareness. Consumers today want to be served with the latest and most futuristic measures, and app development can be a step in the same right direction.

Creating an App in 8 Easy Steps

App development used to be expensive and time taking initially. However, now there are new app development platforms available that can be used by anybody to create an App in minutes. These dedicated apps contain many more features than mobile responsive web pages (for instance, push notifications) and enhance your brand reputation. Below are the 8 steps for app development that you can follow in 2023 to engage your customers and improve your revenues through your new Android app.

1. Choose a Name for Your App

You should think of the app name carefully as it will impact the perception of customers about your business. You can continue with the same business name (or a similar name) if you have a well-established business. The beginners may choose any name they want. Below are some important tips for choosing the right name for your app.
  • The name should be easy to pronounce and remember and should be unique as well.
  • The app's name should follow the brand image you aim to create.
  • Avoid jargon and stress clear communication.
  • The app's name should have a global appeal (even if you are a local seller and business).

2. Choose an Appropriate Color Scheme

There are a variety of colour schemes and attractive designs that you can choose from. For instance, you can choose from colour schemes, including Techno Grey, Cheerful Cherry, or Go, Green, following the type of brand image you aim to build. The colour scheme may also depend on the client's persona, product line, and unique selling points.

3. Customize the Design

Customization can help create a more unique look and feel for your app. Some of the important design elements include:
  • Icon/Splash Screen/Background: you must have a logo for your app. You can use the existing logo or create a new one on the available app builder tools. You must also choose the block colours and images to create a unique and engaging look. The Splash screen of the app is the one that is displayed to the customers and app users at the time they open the app. The introduction should follow the theme and your design aspirations.
  • Layout: layout impacts the app's aesthetics and affects its usability and user experience. You can choose from the many customized and readymade layout options available on the app builder platforms.
  • Colours/Fonts: The fonts and colour schemes will impact the readability and aesthetics of the content that you have on your app. Ensure that all the content can be consumed easily by any app user.

4. Carry out the Tests

Before launching your App commercially and to the audience, you can also test its appearance. A leading app builder platform will provide you with a link or the QR code that you can use to install the app on any device you like. It will help you know the look and feel of the app beforehand. You can also make any corrections (when needed) before launching the app.

5. Choose the App Features

An Android app that has the right set of features for the app users will be hugely popular. If you can choose the best set of features, you will be able to serve your customers in the best way and fulfil all the needs that bring them to your app. Some of the important universal app features include:
  • Built-in advanced integrations.
  • Fast loading time.
  • Effective and intuitive user interface.
  • Data protection.
  • Availability of search option.

6. Test Your Creation

While you may think your product and app are flawless, you will find many things that could be improved when you test it a few times. It is important to test your App multiple times and diligently before you go live. Any developer who has compromised app testing has suffered later. The app test may include the actual operational or the Alpha tests. Apart from the independent testers and developers, the app users can also carry out the test. Under the beta testing program, your app will be released to a select set of users (also called beta testers).

7. Launch the App

Once the testing is complete, you can launch the app on the Android and Google Play Store. If you have created the iOS version of the app, you can also launch it on the Apple iTunes app store. Once the app is launched, any user can download it from the app stores of the respective operating systems and platforms.

8. Promote your New App

The App world has an immense number of apps (for instance, 2.7 million on Google Play Store). You need promotion and marketing to ensure that users know your new app. You can market your apps through all kinds of methods available, including Google paid ads, Pay-per-click ads, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tricks, and through websites and forums. Apps are nowadays also promoted through traditional channels of marketing, including newspapers.

The Benefits of Free App Development/Builder Platforms

The new app development platforms are available at no cost and can be used to create Android apps in minutes. Some of the distinctive and definitive features of these platforms include:
  • No requirement for coding knowledge and skills (readymade templates available).
  • Free of cost platforms with no fee, monthly charges, or paid features.
  • Easy knowledge bases and tutorials to help you learn all about app development.
Apart from businesses, anybody can use these app development and builder platforms to learn app-creating skills and generate an additional income source.

The APK file of the app is ready for distribution in less than a minute.


The new app builder platforms make it easy for any beginner to create a stunning and useful app for the users in a matter of minutes. However, you should be diligent in your affairs and carry out all the elaborate testing procedures to ensure that the features of your app work well for your users and that they are attracted to it. Remember that satisfied users will refer your app and business to other users, which will be a free source of marketing and promotion.

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