Avoiding common beer labelling mistakes is essential whether you're a beer lover or a beer snob. These mistakes can ruin the flavour and aroma of your beer and even make it harder for you to identify your favourite brews. Here are some tips to help you avoid the pitfalls:
Alcohol content
Several common beer labelling mistakes include alcohol content. Almost all regulatory bodies require that the percentage of alcohol in the beverage is listed on the label. The rate may be abbreviated as x% alc/vol. This statement should be at least 2mm tall on containers.
Another common mistake is omitting "FL." from "FL. OZ.". This should be corrected with proper communication.
Many mixed drinks contain more than 1.5 ounces. The alcohol content of malt beverages must be by the regulations.
There is a tendency to underestimate the strength of a product. This could be a result of a person's education level. The study investigated consumers' perceptions of the power of products. Adding %ABV to verbal descriptors of lower strength increased the appeal of low-strength drinks to some extent.
The study also examined how beer and wine with lower-strength labels were perceived by drinkers. It found that the most insufficient appeal was associated with a 4%ABV beer and a 1%ABV wine.
One problem with the current rules is that they need to fully accommodate design aesthetics. For instance, health warning statements often have capitalization and punctuation errors.
The new rule would have looked more like nutrition facts on other foods. It would have included the unit content of the drink and the number of calories and carbohydrates. However, manufacturers opposed the proposal because they said it would confuse consumers.
The Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) enforces beer labelling and marketing regulations. The TTB drafted a new rule in 2007. It added a serving size and the amount of alcohol in a container.
Despite these changes, the alcohol industry continues to lobby against a complete label on all alcohol. The CSPI has been lobbying the TTB for the past several years.
Bottler or producer name
Whether you are producing or bottling your own beer or using
custom labels for liquor bottles, you need to be familiar with the rules and regulations governing beer label design. This includes knowing which items are prohibited on your brand. If you are still familiar with the rules, resources are available.
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) enforces the regulations that govern beer marketing. It has published a notice of proposed rulemaking that may lead to mandatory disclosures about allergens in the future. These statements can appear on the front or back of the beer label.
On imported beers, the importer's name must be stated on the label. The label also needs to include the name and address of the person who bottled the beer. This may be a trading name or an operating name.
Your product must be registered with the US Customs Service if it is imported. In addition, it must have a Certificate of Label Approval. These records are required but can be provided in electronic copies, photocopies, or original COLAs.
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) requires that beer bottles carry the name of the producer or bottler on the label. This information should be clear to consumers. It must be written in a way that is easily legible to potential consumers.
Malt beverages such as beer, lager, and ale require specific information to be disclosed on the label. For example, malt drink labels must tell the sulfiting agents. They must also state the country of origin and the presence of aspartame. This is a common sweetener. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Board (TTB) has a manual that explains what types of malt drinks are acceptable.
Flavour quality
Having a great beer label is one of many ways to improve the taste and experience of your brew. The correct way to do it is to test and re-test your recipes until you have reached your optimal balance. There are many ways to do this, such as having your brewers or sales reps pour samples to a panel of taste testers. This will help you get the best possible flavour while avoiding costly mistakes. Also, having a model to compare with will give you a better idea of what is and isn't working.
Another excellent beer labelling trick is to include the proper measure of alcohol content on your labels. Aside from tasting better, having the right amount of alcohol in your beer will keep it fresher for longer. You can choose from a couple of options: a standardized unit or a percentage of the actual volume of the brew.
Packaging for younger drinkers
Various studies have been conducted on the impact of packaging for younger drinkers on beer labels. While the results differed, they found that standard drink information was associated with reduced consumption. Interestingly, this link was most apparent for men. Women, however, were more likely to support daily guidelines on alcohol packages.
Research in the United Kingdom showed that young adults used information on standard drinks to maximize their drinking. In one study, 80% of participants recognized the classic drink logo. They also found that frequent drinking was associated with higher label awareness. In a separate survey, Jarvis and Pettigrew measured the relative effect of warning statements on young drinkers. While they found that warning statements did not deter excessive drinking, they did indicate that high-risk drinkers were more likely to reduce their consumption than low-risk drinkers.
Older people may not take a brightly coloured package seriously. The results of this study suggest that a person's age may be an essential determinant of the effectiveness of beverage warnings. They also found that a negative frame had the most impact on the higher-consuming classes. In addition, these researchers identified personal relevance as a critical factor influencing individual responses.
These findings have implications for beer package design. They suggest that it is crucial to target the market. In addition, brightly coloured packages are a way to appeal to a younger audience. Regardless of the package, it is essential to understand how it impacts your target audience. This means researching the preferences of the market and targeting the right demographic.