All children are uniquely special and need our support, compassion, and kindness to enjoy healthy growth and development. Some children have unique struggles, disabilities, learning concerns, and challenges that overwhelm them in classrooms, communities, and societies. They struggle to keep up with their coursework, peers, academic tests, social engagements, and competitive sports.
Parents, teachers, and community members who isolate differently-abled children make a grave error threatening their self-esteem. Just because a child cannot perform well in standardized tests doesn't make the child a poor learner. Likewise, if a child experiences social anxiety and lacks communication skills doesn't make them unfriendly or rude.
It's easier for children to misinterpret behavioural cues, but adults need to be more perceptive and emotionally sensitive. Responsible and empathetic adults can make a difference for children with different needs. All it takes is an ounce of kindness mixed with half a kilogram of care and several handfuls of sincerity!
Keep reading to explore how you can positively impact children with different needs.
Helping Students with Special Education Needs
Teachers and educators are spiritual gurus and life coaches who steer our lives toward positive and meaningful directions. Teachers hold unbelievable power and authority when helping students with special needs and learning disabilities. All it takes is one teacher to make a child feel unique, consequential, talented, and confident.
Students with learning disabilities, dyslexia, memory retention issues, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and social anxiety have diverse and complex challenges. Helping and uplifting these students demands advanced insight into learning disabilities, interactive teaching tools, and special education training. Teachers struggling to understand learning disabilities should consider pursuing a
special education master's degree to cultivate specialised expertise.
A master's in special education will provide numerous tools and resources to facilitate learning in immersive classroom settings. You will learn the dynamics of the cognitive issues and behavioural concerns leading to learning disabilities. And most importantly, you will learn techniques and strategies to overcome learning obstacles and help differently-abled students enjoy positive learning outcomes.
Suppose you're a full-time special education teacher for disabled students. In that case, combining your job and a master's degree can seem overwhelming. E-learning is the perfect solution for full-time professionals looking to balance their careers and higher education pursuits. And the best part is that you can apply your newly acquired knowledge to help students in your classroom daily.
Patience, Kindness & Compassion
We all demonstrate impatience and unwillingness to wait unnecessarily on numerous occasions each day. We sometimes act impatient and annoyed when forced to stay in a long Starbucks queue. We look visibly frustrated and bothered while waiting for people who aren't as intelligent, fast, and capable as we are.
Modern-day lifestyles, comforts, and luxuries are making us impatient by providing everything at our fingertips. And this impatience is breeding a culture of speed that makes it hard for differently-abled children and adults to keep up. This culture of speed and impatience discourages parents from taking their children using wheelchairs to the bus stops.
Children with hearing and vision disabilities struggle to make friends or communicate with adults. People lack the patience to learn or comprehend sign language, making it challenging for disabled children to share their thoughts. By withholding our kindness and showing impatience, we create a culture of constraints for disabled children and their families.
How can one make an impact on a child with special needs? It's simple: using our power, kindness, compassion, and patience to promote inclusivity. Whenever you see a child eager to communicate in sign language, request the parents to translate and help you two share. Next time you visit a mother trying to load a bulky wheelchair onto the bus, help her instead of acting exasperated.
Most importantly, if you notice a child with special needs struggling at school or the playground, step forward and help.
Spreading Awareness to Dismantle Taboos
Children with
learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, and DS struggle to find their place in society. This struggle stems from society's unwillingness to embrace them with inclusivity and eagerness to use their disadvantages against them. Parents struggling with child disabilities often feel isolated and shunned by their local communities.
Patients raising children with special needs encounter numerous challenges, of which isolation is the most significant obstacle. Isolation breeds anxiety and depression, and social isolation poorly reflects all children. As community members, we are all responsible for dismantling taboos and myths by spreading awareness.
Do you know a differently-abled child in your neighbourhood or community? If yes, you can start making an impact by learning about the disability and finding ways to help. Children with special needs are overwhelmed and scared because they recognize different from their peers. They want to fit in and feel a sense of belonging. A kindhearted adult willing to share their worries and smile at their jokes is all it takes to boost their self-esteem.
Awareness of disabilities and special needs is crucial to creating an inclusive and nurturing environment. Community members can rally around children with special needs, protecting them against damaging taboos and social injustices.
Don't make them feel special
The best thing you can do for a differently-abled child is not making them feel special. Being overly concerned about their wellbeing or ability to complete a task will make them feel incapable. Children must connect with their peers and enjoy similar experiences to develop faith in their capabilities.
If a child is forced to avoid certain games or swings for fear of injury, the child will feel left out and isolated. Likewise, if a child is given leverage on an exam, they will learn to avoid such challenges. Most importantly, giving special treatment to a child breeds resentment in family and classroom dynamics. And this resentment from siblings and peers creates challenges for differently-abled children struggling with social anxiety.
So, the best thing you can do is treat the child in a usual, healthy manner without drawing attention to their
special needs.
Final Thoughts
A positive impact always comes from a place of positivity and sincerity. Therefore, kindness is the most crucial ingredient in your quest to positively impact children with special needs. Whether a parent, teacher, or community member, compassion is the best tool to help and uplift differently-abled children.