Lee Khuzwayo has split from her husband, Michael Mhlanga, as she serves him a divorce letter.
Her divorce statement is currently making rounds on social media in South Africa. Her marriage was a couple's goal, and people used to look forward to surprises on Valentine’s Day.
The reason for their break-up hasn't been ascertained, but Lee Khuzwayo's ex-best friend, Mandy Mdluli, is said to be responsible for the divorce.
Lee Khuzwayo and her husband, Michael Mhlanga, married in November 2019.
Divorce Notice reads:
"We refer to the matter above, and we can confirm that we act for Philisiwe Khuzwayo (our client).
2. Our client instructed us that in and during November 2019, you and our client entered into a marriage relationship.
3. We've further been instructed that aforesaid marriage relationship has irretrievably broken down for unrelated reasons at this stage.... "
MM Wrote: "Lee Khuzwayo is divorcing her husband Michael Mhlanga.
Lee Khuzwayo moved out of her marital home in Johannesburg and back home in Durban.
Her best friend Mandy is the leading cause of the divorce."