Taking care of your physical appearance and health isn't just for vain reasons. We've all heard the adage "when you look good, you feel good," That saying has stood the test of time because it's true. While
health conditions can affect your self-esteem and confidence, they're not always in your control. However, healthy habits and proper grooming and beauty routines are. If you feel like you could use a refresher around what health and beauty habits will help you put your best foot forward, not to mention make you feel and look great in the process, keep reading for some inspiration.
Routine Appointments
We're all busy. Between professional and private lives, not to mention social lives, sometimes it feels like we're burning the candle at both ends. When we're stressed or overwhelmed, it's easy to postpone that dental appointment or put off getting a haircut, but try and maintain routine appointments. Make sure you check in with your dentist every six months to monitor your oral health and get a deep clean. Visit your hairstylist every six to eight weeks to deal with split ends and keep your hair looking healthy. If you don't have a dermatologist, they're another routine appointment you should make and keep. Not only can dermatologists screen your skin health, but they can also prescribe you oral or topical medications for skin issues, from fine lines and wrinkles to acne.
Healthy Habits
Another aspect of looking your best has nothing to do with what's in your medicine cabinet or makeup bag. Making sure you cultivate a healthy lifestyle and their beneficial routines will take you further than even the best facial creams and undereye concealers. From getting the recommended eight to nine hours of sleep a night (they call it beauty rest for a reason) to eating a diet based mainly on fresh fruits and vegetables, you'll feel great and show in your physical appearance. Eating a healthy diet and getting restorative sleep are excellent for shedding unwanted weight, reducing dark undereye circles, and giving you more energy. Most importantly, healthy habits boost your emotional wellbeing.
Signature Touches
We all have people in our life whose beauty we admire. One of the best-kept secrets to looking fabulous and radiating confidence is having signature touches that make you feel your best. From that bold red lip you're known to wear to the scent of
Marc Jacobs perfume you leave after a hug, these small touches make you polished and beautiful. Find your signature style and stick with it. Whether that's a cat-eye shape to your eyeliner or a french-twist updo you've mastered, when you're in a hurry, having these second-nature beauty hacks as part of your routine can make a world of difference in your appearance and mindset.
Curated Wardrobe
Whether you're a fashion maximalist or someone who's adopted a minimalist capsule wardrobe, having well-fitting clothes that reflect who you are as an individual is great for your appearance and health. With more and more people suffering from decision fatigue and
crisis fatigue these days, wasting time wondering what to wear each day isn't a good look. Clear out your wardrobe of anything that doesn't suit you, doesn't look great on you, or boosts your confidence. When you know you look phenomenal in everything you own, you're bound to have a spring in your step as you get dressed each day.
A Positive Attitude
One of the best things you can do for your appearance is to adopt a positive mental attitude. While it may be easier said than done, it's worth cultivating an attitude of gratitude. People who are optimistic about life exude a more attractive vibe and tend to attract positivity into their life. If you're struggling with staying positive in a fast-paced and ever-changing world, talk to friends and family or reach out to a therapist. A happy mindset is a beautiful one.
Most things that make you feel and look your best aren't something you can buy in a store. Proper grooming habits, makeup, and clothing are beneficial to health and beauty, but a healthy lifestyle and mindset are just as important. If you feel like you're in a rut, start investing in makeup, perfume, and clothing you love, but more importantly, invest in yourself.