South Africans woke up to the tragic news. It is reported that 13 people were shot dead in a tavern in Soweto last night. The 14th person died this morning, and four people are fighting for their lives in the hospital. No one knows who shot them and why. The story is still developing. South Africans are scared. Some vowed never to go out again.
"The shooting in a Soweto tavern where 13 people died, shortly after the Enyobeni incident, forces us to ask if there are not some mafia activities playing out in South Africa? Could it be that drug lords are involved?" Said @ChristoThurston.
Four people have died after a shooting at a tavern in Pietermaritzburg on Saturday. At least 12 people were shot - while eight others were admitted to the hospital.
"If my people, called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land. South Africa, you need God like never been." Said @Ndimzin.
"Can we pause Alcohol Sales in South Africa for at least ten years? Said @Nyebe_Official.