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Vuyokazi Ndevu - Owner of Enyobeni tavern 'I am very sorry, I was not there'

Vuyokazi Ndevu - Owner of Enyobeni tavern

The pupils, of which the youngest was a mere 13 years old, were apparently attending a ‘pens down’ party on Saturday when the tragedy struck.

Briefing the media outside her tavern, Vuyokazi Ndevu said she cannot take responsibility because she was not on the premises.

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"I was not there when the incident happened, I can't answer based on hearsay. I will be lying If I tell you what really happened, I am worried that these teenagers died at my business, a place where I am making a living from.

“It is painful that so many souls were lost inside my tavern. I am very sorry to the families who have lost their loved ones."

Read: The True Cause of Death at the Killer Event In Enyobeni Tavern That Killed 21 Kids Exposed

Ndevu also refuted claims her tavern allowed people under the age of 18 to enter the establishment.

"The underaged are not allowed in the tavern but they normally camp outside. They normally try to force their way into the tavern."

Investigations into the cause of the deaths are still ongoing.

The controversial establishment has since been closed by the Eastern Cape Liquor Board pending an investigation.

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