In all its forms and disciplines, martial arts is a very beneficial practice. On the other hand, it is also, quite obviously, a physical one. Once you start getting into the intricacies of the discipline you are studying and putting aspects that were once theory into practice, you run a higher risk of sustaining injuries.
Prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, learning and becoming aware of the various injuries you may sustain while practising Martial Arts is crucial. In addition to becoming aware of what may occur, you must educate yourself on the proper precautions before starting a session.
Since Martial Arts is a collective term that describes numerous disciplines, it stands to reason that common Martial Arts injuries also vary from type to type. Therefore, it is vital to understand the injury types most associated with the discipline you specialise in. On the other hand, there is a more general starting point. It begins with the two primary categories of Martial Arts:
Different injuries occur in each form, affecting the body in varying ways. This difference reflects the primary movements, muscles and body parts you use while practising each type. So, for example, the most common injury types sustained during non-contact Martial Arts training include those resulting from fatigue and overuse.
What Are The Common Martial Arts Injuries?
Some of the most common martial arts injuries to be aware of include:
- Muscle strains
- Skin damage
- Concussion
- Neck injuries
- Dislocations
Use The Right Equipment
First, ensure that you have the proper equipment before the beginning of every session. Thus, wearing your mouthguard, headgear, paddings and chest protectors is crucial before presenting yourself on the mat.
Please note that simply having the right equipment is not enough. It must also be the correct fit for your body and Martial Arts discipline.
Don’t Ignore The Warm-up And Cool-down
Practising Martial Arts calls for extensive muscle use. Consequently, it would be best if you adequately prepared them by warming up before you begin. Additionally, it is crucial to match your warm-up style and sequence to your specific Martial Art discipline. Doing so allows you to target the right muscles, thus rendering you more sufficiently prepared for your practice.
This discipline-oriented technique also applies to your cool-down (which is as important as the warm-up, so don’t skip it!)
Seek Your Instructor’s Direct Supervision
When you start learning to practice the Martial Arts, you will have an instructor guide you. Use them. Your instructor’s role centres on providing the proper techniques for executing different movements and styles while avoiding injury. Therefore, their presence as you practice acts as an additional safety measure.
It is also crucial to inform your instructor of past injuries or weaknesses. This information allows them to offer guidance on how to account for your capabilities while training. Additionally, they may be able to help you attain long-term improvement by providing alternative strengthening exercises.
Focus plays a vital role in injury-free training. If you get distracted, you are likely to move your body incorrectly, put it in the wrong position, or open yourself up to injury from your partner/opponent.
Get Training From Highly Skilled Professionals
A professional Martial Arts instructor’s expertise provides knowledge of the best techniques and their proper execution. Moreover, they are well versed in injury occurrence and prevention.
As you embark on your Martial Arts training and practice, it is crucial to keep all this information at the forefront. In doing so, you reduce the chances of sustaining an injury that may temporarily side-line you or leave you permanently unable to participate in Martial Arts.