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Four Simple Ways to Add a Tropical Summer Vibe to Your Backyard

An Exotic Yard

Even Alaska has a warm season. In fact, the Aleutian islands tend to have warmer summers than states like Wyoming or North Dakota—depending on the year and the island in question. Here’s the point: you can make any backyard feel tropical, so long as there’s a warm season. Even without one, there are things you can do.

Here we’ll focus on four moves you might want to consider to make your backyard seem like a true home-away-from-home in the deep jungles of tropical locales that often border a clear blue sea. Hopefully, at minimum, these ideas help get your mind going on ways you can augment your yard toward that exotic flavour you’re craving.

1. Deck Your Patio Out With Tropical Flowers

There’s a flower called “bird of paradise”. Is the bird really from paradise, or is “paradise” just a term used to describe exotic locales?

Well, the latter is true; what that means is that you can make your backyard feel exotic just by a few creative design choices. Check out these tropical patio designs as an example. Flower arrangements do a lot to invite tropic comparison. Mix, match, and explore.

2. “Hanging Gardens”: Find Ways of Making Warm Shady Areas

Many backyards have an area beneath a deck often used in summer to experience the outdoors without being melted by the sweltering heat. Well, you might hang a few plants commonly associated with the tropics; that will make it feel like you’re in the midst of a jungle.

3. Keep Everything Well-Watered And Flourishing

This article from Better Homes and Gardens can help you properly water your garden throughout the seasons. The more water you give your garden, the better the plants will grow; however, some plants need more or less sun, and plant food that helps varying flora flourish is also recommended.

4. Tiki Torches

Tiki torches have a clearly tropical vibe, and what’s more: you can use them to ward off mosquitoes. Citronella is a smell that the little bloodsuckers cannot stand, but humans tend to find pleasant. A few tiki torches burning citronella at night feel tropical and keep you from being covered in nasty welts.

Here are a few tiki torch recommendations from the Bob Vila website if you’re wondering what’s out there. Ultimately, which tiki torches you choose are up to your own preferences, but some are clearly a better buy than others. Look around to see what you like.

Bringing the Equator to Your Own Back Yard This Summer

Just because you’re thousands of miles from the equator doesn’t mean you’re without any hope when emphasizing associated décor. Tiki torches, proper irrigation, “hanging garden” approaches, and tropical patios decked with flowers from “paradise” are all excellent ideas to make your backyard feel like another world.

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