Cycling has increased in popularity massively over the last couple of years, especially in cities and built-up urban areas. More of us are turning to cycle as a way of commuting more easily, reducing the impact we’re having on the planet, as well as using it to get a bit of exercise into our day! There are a few reasons why you should consider installing a bike stand, whether that’s for community use or for employees to use at a workplace. Here are a few reasons why you should install
Sheffield Cycle Stands. Safety and Security
Installing a cycle stand means that you are allowing people to store their bikes safely and securely. Having somewhere safe to keep a bike when it is not being used, gives the owner peace of mind that they can go into a leisure facility, go shopping or go to work, and their bike will still be there when they get back.
If you’re a business owner thinking about installing a cycle stand at your workplace, this will encourage employees to commute to work where possible, and they can be assured that there will be somewhere safe for them to keep their bikes during working hours. If you’re installing a cycle stand in the community, you can help to reduce air and noise pollution, as well as help members of your community to travel around with ease, without having to worry about where they can store their bikes when they’re heading into a shop, school or leisure facility.
Promotes a healthy lifestyle
Installing cycle stands is a way of promoting a healthy lifestyle to the people in your community, or your employees. There’s no doubt that more of us would consider commuting or travelling by two wheels if we knew there was somewhere to safely secure our bikes when we get there. Giving people the chance to use these cycle stands means that more people will choose to travel in a more healthy, sustainable way rather than hopping in the car.
Living a healthy lifestyle is important and moving more means that we can improve our mood and our well-being. Not only does installing a cycle stand to promote a healthy way of living, but it also helps to eradicate air pollution – chemicals released into the air from cars can have a nasty impact on our health. Cycling is an activity that the whole family can enjoy, so choosing to install cycle stands means that families can spend time together, get fit and have fun.
Eco-Friendly travel
Installing a cycle stand means that more people will choose to use their bikes to commute to work or travel short distances around the community. This means that there will be a reduction in emissions released into the air and means that more of us can travel in an eco-friendly way. More of us are becoming concerned about the planet and are looking for ways to live more sustainably– choosing to install a bike stand means that more of us are likely to cycle rather than drive, which is helpful for anyone concerned with reducing their carbon footprint.
More places in the UK are becoming cycle-friendly due to the increase in popularity of the sport and to promote sustainability and active travel. One of the main things that employers and communities are doing up and down the country are making cycling accessible, with cycling lanes and other facilities being put in place. You can do your bit for the community and the environment by installing a cycle stand.