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Are Hyperscale Data Centers Right for Your Business? Benefits and Challenges

The Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018 -2023) predicts that by 2023, there will be 299.1 billion global mobile application downloads. By 2023, there will be 29.3 billion global devices and connections (3.6 devices and connections per capita). In order to effectively process and harness such massive increases in data, companies are relying increasingly on hyperscale data centres. A report by Allied Market Research found that the global hyper-scale data centre market is expected to generate $71.2 billion by 2022 from $26.33 billion in 2017, growing at a CAGR of 20.7 percent from 2017 to 2022. In this article, we will try to understand what hyper-scale data centres are, the benefits they provide to businesses and the challenges involved in making use of hyper-scale data centres. To know more about hyper-scale data centres and how your business can leverage them, please refer to Managed IT Services.

What are Hyperscale Data Centers?

A data centre, in its essence, is a dedicated space or building that is used to store an organization's IT equipment and servers. Organizations use data centre resources for business functions or let their customers make use of the resources as a service. The principal difference between enterprise data centres and hyperscale data centres lies in their scale and performance. Hyperscale data centres are designed to be humongous business-critical facilities that are capable of supporting the most demanding, scalable applications. These are often developed and used by big data-producing companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft. Hyperscale data centres are massively larger than enterprise data centres, and routinely outperform them thanks to economies of scale and custom engineering. Typically, a hyperscale data centre tends to exceed 5,000 servers and 10,000 square feet.

As the massive size suggests, hyper-scale data centres excel at processing unbelievable volumes of data, computing, and storage services. Hyperscale Data Center Companies typically operate on 40 GigaBytes per second (Gbps) or faster network connections and have reported inefficiencies in bandwidth required to manage such vast volumes of data to be an increasing challenge. Hyperscale data centres are characterized by exceptional agility, and the ability to scale up, down, and out to meet any load they service. Companies leveraging hyper-scale data centres can add more compute power, machines, or the ability to scale out to the edge of a network, practically at will. These data centres are not only capable of competing at scale, but also emphasize minimal hardware, maximum disaggregation, modularity, automation, and other approaches focused on lean productivity at a massive scale.

Benefits of Hyperscale Data Centers


Hyperscale data centres enable companies with maximum speed in their ability to develop, install, and manage evolving computing needs.

Significantly cut down on downtime and associated losses

Hyperscale computing infrastructures try to eliminate the losses incurred due to data interruptions. Data losses can typically end up costing companies hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars depending on the size of the operations. Hyperscaling can minimize downtime resulting from excessive demand or other operational challenges. Restoring operations is also much more efficient with the help of Hyperscale Data Center Companies.

Easy cloud migrations

Cloud Data Center Migration has become more or less de jure for companies. Hyperscale cloud computing can help companies ease into cloud migration at their own pace. Implement maximum data centre security with IT support 24/7.

Maintain direct scalability with demand

Hyperscale cloud computing helps companies remain easily scalable even with unpredictable market demands.

Challenges of Hyperscale Data Centers

Limited visibility

Transitioning from traditional data centre architecture to a hybrid architecture involves building networking and IT infrastructure spread across on-premises, colocation, and multiple clouds - a massive expansion and increase in complexity that significantly reduces overall visibility into network segments. Encrypted traffic also contributes to the rise in blind spots and poor network visibility. Companies need to be aware of this challenge and deploy the right solution to address the visibility challenges of all deployed security elements across all environments, with centralized and comprehensive control of users, applications, and devices on the network.

Growing attack surface

Companies continue to suffer from a lack of adequate and effective internal security controls that can keep their assets separated in case of threat containment. This can be addressed through segmentation that prevents the lateral spread of threats, secures applications and helps companies meet compliance standards by demonstrating multiple layers of security controls. Types of segmentation can include network-level, port-level and application-level segmentation.

Protect from vulnerabilities

While securing hybrid and hyper-scale data centres presents unique and significant challenges, fully integrated Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) can help protect hard-to-patch legacy systems that continue to serve critical business functions. IPS can help protect against both known and zero-day vulnerabilities. To know more about Data Center Security and reliable Hyperscale Data Center Providers, please consult with Managed Cloud Services.

About Nora:

Nora Erspamer is the Director of Digital Marketing at New Charter Technologies, a group of companies specialising in Cloud Computing Solutions. She is an experienced marketer and sales strategist with a demonstrated history of working in various technology industries. Skilled in strategic campaign development, lead generation, and marketing automation software. Her blog can be found at

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