To write a good research paper, you need to cite excerpts from specialist literature, do research and prepare conclusions. This is a very time-consuming process, so it is better to purchase research papers from professionals, such as They accompany every stage of the work, which allows the client to save time and prepare for the defence. Specialists provide advice on research papers of different levels of complexity and on any topic.
Contains theoretical developments in a particular scientific field. The authors of these papers analyse a problem, identify a pattern and formulate the causes of a phenomenon. Theoretical papers are needed to look at an issue as a whole or from different perspectives.
Research papers
The authors of such works conduct an experiment, i.e. they research the problem using empirical methods: create new material, calculate the resistance, and present sociological survey results to the readers. The author's tasks are to reveal the essence of the experiment, provide research data, and draw conclusions in order to answer the question posed.
Survey research
The authors compile data from various sources on a particular topic and analyse them. Review articles allow you to explore an issue through key research. In such papers, the authors refer to other scientists and their points of view and share their own thoughts.
Structure of a research paper
A research article includes:
- Topic. This is the topic chosen by the teacher or the student.
- Abstract - a brief description of a research paper that argues the relevance of the work.
- Keywords - phrases and individual words describing the chosen topic.
- Introduction. It defines the goals and aims and suggests ways to solve them.
- The main part. An analysis of other author's works on the chosen subject is made, and the key questions to be solved are defined. This section accounts for about 90% of the paper.
- Conclusion. In the end, you will summarise the results you have achieved.
- List of sources.
What is important when choosing the topic
The relevance and practical relevance of the topic ensure the popularity of the research paper. The author should study sources that reveal different aspects of the problem. It is necessary to properly process the data and convey it to the reader in an accessible form.
Specificity of the subject. The topic should be related to the specialisation of scientific areas of the department. Consider whether the subject is of interest to the supervisor so that the supervisor can help the student and not be inactive due to ignorance of the topic.
The depth of the problem. Research questions are divided into two categories - those that have been extensively researched and those that have been poorly covered. There are many sources in the first category, while the second is in short supply. It is necessary to estimate your capabilities adequately in order to look good in front of the audience.