Motorcycle accidents are one of the most significant personal injury claims in the US today. Whether you are a driver of another vehicle or a motorcyclist, the victims of motorcycle accidents suffer a lot in long-term physical and mental health. Dealing with mental health becomes difficult when you are still unfit to go to work.
Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer understands that helping you seek compensation for property damages and medical bills is critical, but understanding the emotional pain after the accident is equally essential because it negatively impacts you and your family.
Mental pain and suffering from a motorcycle accident
Different people react to trauma in different ways. It depends upon the circumstances of the accident and if the person has any past experiences. In any accident, the victims will endure the following mental problems.
1. Emotional pain and suffering
It is not a surprise that the accident victims bear pain and suffering. A severe accident will bring out severe pain and injuries; even minor accidents may also bring out pain and suffering.
Emotional pain and suffering are the mental anguish the victim faces in the motorcycle accident. It can be in any form, like loss of enjoyment in life, anger, sadness, and fear. Emotional pain may lead to mood swings, insomnia, and lack of appetite.
2. Psychological damage
In some cases, psychological distress can cause severe mental damage, as mentioned below.
- Anxiety: After an accident, the victim may face intense anxiety with situations that they previously felt normal. Next time, even as a passenger, they may feel difficult and panic-inducing when travelling in a car, which prevents them from enjoying themselves.
- Depression: Depression is a constant feeling of sadness, worthlessness, emptiness, and lack of interest in life. If depression is left untreated after a car accident, it can lead to the inability to function in daily life and frequent thoughts of suicide. Visiting a psychiatrist/psychologist can help you in relieving the symptoms.
- Post-traumatic stress symptom: Victims suffering from this symptom may experience intense fear with nightmares, insomnia, and constant flashbacks of the accident.
What are the elements required to prove negligence?
- Duty of care: Every driver's responsibility is to maintain a reasonable standard of care while driving to ensure their safety and of others on the road. It includes following all traffic regulations, paying attention to their surroundings, and driving within the speed limit.
- Breach of duty of care: When the driver violates the duty of care they owe to other drivers by being negligent, it is known as a breach of duty of care. Their negligent misconduct may include driving under the influence of alcohol, distracted driving, and overspeeding.
- Causation: The victim needs to prove that the other party's negligent actions resulted in their damages. Evidence such as medical records, doctors' opinions, and analysis of the car damage can help prove that their negligence led to the victim's injuries.
- Damages: The victim cannot seek compensation if they have not suffered any damages. It is essential to maintain a complete record of the victim's damages due to the accident.
Seeking professional psychological treatment for mental pain is crucial and helps the victim to move on from the trauma of the accident. Also, it is essential to hire an experienced and professional motorcycle accident attorney who can understand the pain you are going through.