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What are Energy Audits and Why Should You Get One for Your Home?

How energy efficient is your home? If you don't know, you could be selling yourself short. It's possible that you're spending unnecessary money each year when you could be saving.

Not to mention that you could be doing our planet a disservice by leading a life that's not energy efficient. But how can you tell whether this is the case?

Energy audits! If you're curious about the energy efficiency of your home, then the best thing to do is to have a home energy audit done. If you'd like to learn a little bit more about what this is and the ways in which having one could benefit you and your home, read on.

What Is an Energy Audit?

As the name suggests, an energy audit refers to the process of looking at a given property—either residential or commercial—and determining how energy efficient it is. These audits are carried out by registered energy advisors or energy auditors who've got the experience and expertise necessary to assess your home and make recommendations. There are three main components to an energy audit.

First, the auditor will do a general walk-through of the property in question. Then, they'll do an airtightness test, which allows them to see how much heat is escaping your home. After the auditor has gone through all the rooms of your home, asked you questions, and carried out their tests, they'll be able to make recommendations about changes you could make to your home.

Benefits of Energy Audits

The fact of the matter is that almost every household could benefit from an energy audit. No house is going to be 100% perfect in its energy consumption. This is especially true for older homes.

Getting an energy audit done on your home allows you to identify areas where you could be more efficient in your energy use. The person performing the audit will also make actionable recommendations about sustainable home improvements that could help your home.

This, in turn, can allow you to lead a more sustainable life. It can also lead to lower utility bills, something which everyone can appreciate.

Your auditor, for example, will be knowledgeable on things like solar panel savings and how much these could be in the case of your home. At the end of the day, it's never a bad idea to get the opinion of an expert on how you could improve your home and your quality of life.
Learn About the Eco-friendly Home Upgrades Available to You

If you'd like to take steps to create a more energy-efficient home for you, your family, and the planet, then you should definitely be looking into your options regarding energy audits. Search online to find a registered energy auditor now!

If you're looking for more advice on sustainable home improvements you could be making in your home, the good news is you don't have to look too far. See the rest of our articles now.

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