If you plan to give your cabinets a fresh new color, then a TSP cleaner is what you will need to first remove any grease or residue from the surface you are about to paint. Many people do not know how to use TSP, and rather than appropriately cleaning the surface, they end up damaging it to the extent where you cannot repaint it, therefore read on to know
what is TSP cleaner and what are some of the safe ways you can use it.
What is a TSP cleaner?
It is a heavy-duty cleaner commonly used to remove any tough grease, stains, or mold from any surface. This cleaner is mostly available in powder form, and to use it, you have to mix it with hot water so that it can act as an effective cleaner. It is important to use more water to dilute it so that if you are a beginner, its fumes do not harm your throat, or a spill does not damage your skin.
Always use a strong sponge to apply TSP cleaner on the surface you are trying to clean and prepare for painting. Apply the cleaner and leave it on the surface for a few minutes so that it becomes easy to remove the grease or stains. Before painting, cabinets and other such surfaces are cleaned with TSP because it helps to ensure that the surface remains clean from any dust particles or grease affecting the finish of the new paint.
You must use TSP cleaner with great caution as it is extremely harmful if mishandled. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and wear a mask before using this cleaner so that it does not cause any harm to you while you are using it. If you use it with caution, it is one of the most effective cleaners available to clean the toughest grease or stains on any surface.
How to prepare your cabinets
Before painting your cabinets, here are a few steps you need to follow for cleaning it with TSP:
Make the TSP solution.
Before starting the cleaning process, you need to make the TSP cleaner mixture. To do this, you must mix the required parts of TSP and water for the cleaner to be effective. The safe way to make a mixture is by adding a quarter cup of TSP to approximately one gallon of water. While this is the safe way to use it, you must also refer a manufacturer for the safe way to make this solution. Once your mixture has been prepared, the next part is to prepare the surface to be painted.Prepare the area where TSP is to be used.
Ensure that the area where the TSP is to be applied is well protected from the chances of any spill. If there is any furniture present in the space, move it out of the room so that it does not get affected. Moreover, cover the floor and other surrounding objects with plastic sheets so that it is easy to clean up any spill and so that the spill does not directly come into contact with the surface.
Once everything is covered, clean the surface using the sponge and dip it in the TSP cleaner to wipe away the grease and dirt particles. Follow up by thoroughly rinsing the surface to clean the TSP and dirt from the surface. Leave it to dry completely before applying paint on the surface. Visit here
https://www.activemyhome.com/the-sod-cutter-guide/ to get more information.