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How Does a Mini-Split Compressor Differ From Central Air Conditioning?

Different types of HVAC systems provide different levels of value to homeowners. While many modern homes have central air conditioning, some buildings still rely on a mini-split system. A ductless mini-split unit isn’t a window unit. It is a system that doesn’t rely on internal ducts to push air through a home. Learn more about this indoor unit type and why you might want one in your house below.

Ductless systems are meant for smaller areas.

Small areas are the most frequent places where you will find ductless mini splits. Some hotel rooms opt for ductless options so individual guests can control their room temperatures. Smaller houses and historic homes may use a mini-split system because there is no way to fit ductwork into the structure.

In some areas, you may encounter a ductless unit in a home with central air conditioning. A mini-split can be added to an attic room, a home addition, or a space that doesn’t have ductwork. The ultimate goal is to bring climate control to an area without any. Ductless systems are known for their flexibility and their ability to cool areas where a central HVAC system would be too bulky.

Mini-split systems work like traditional air conditioners.

According to Altitude Air Solutions, a mini-split system works like a traditional HVAC unit despite the lack of ducting. An indoor unit pulls hot air from the space while pumping cool air in. This is connected to an outdoor unit, where the mini-split compressor is located. The outdoor compressor works the same as the central heating and air system for a ductless system. This is the main driver in your unit that cools the home.

The two units are typically connected through the walls of your home. The indoor unit can be hung on a wall, while the outdoor compressor is typically placed alongside a home or on a roof.

One of the best parts about the compressors having so many similarities is that an HVAC contractor specializing in central air systems can likely repair the compressor for a mini-split model.

Both types of cooling systems need to be regularly maintained.

Many think mini-split systems are easier because they are minor and less involved than traditional HVAC units. However, you must schedule regular maintenance to clean and service your ductless system.

If your mini-split system is poorly maintained, you could notice energy loss and high electricity bills in your home. Your unit will run for a more extended period without cooling your house effectively.

During maintenance appointments, a technician will clean your unit and check for any potential breaks or issues. You may need to prove that you cared for your mini-split to keep the warranty active.

Some mini-splits are starting to use thermostats.

Typically, ductless units won’t use thermostats. Because these appliances are typically only used for individual rooms, they are often managed by remote controls. However, as this form of cooling becomes increasingly popular, more customers are requesting thermostat options for their mini-splits. You can even link your ductless unit to a smart thermostat with some models, just like your central systems.

If this is important, ask your local heating and cooling professional about Wi-Fi-controlled ductless cooling units. A mini-split can be a solid alternative to a traditional central HVAC system. This is ideal for cooling rooms and spaces that simply need better ventilation. However, don’t take the simplicity of a ductless system for granted. These units still need to be cleaned and cared for if you want them to last long.

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