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6 Shortcuts to Speed up Your Spring Cleaning

If spring is nearby, that means it’s time to give your household a nice throughout cleaning after the long and cold winter. With all the dusty furniture, moulded mattresses, smelly kitchen appliances, it’s time to commit yourself to the cleaning and get a fresh start.

Now, assuming you have your spring cleaning all sorted out, it’ll still be a challenging job for anyone. That’s why I have come up with six shortcuts with the help of Cleanzen Boston. You can try following them to make things a tad bit easier.

Microwave can clean itself

One of the most challenging parts of spring cleaning is getting rid of the stickiness and odour inside microwaves. But do you know that you can clean the microwave within minutes without putting in the real effort?

All you have to do is mix equal parts vinegar and water in a bowl, mix some lemon juice in it, and heat the bowl for around five minutes inside the microwave. After that, let the bowl sit inside for another 30 minutes. Then all left to do is wipe the interior off, and it’ll be shining again.

Freshen up your rugs, carpets, and mattress

I have seen elders use baking soda in different cleaning applications from childhood. But I didn’t know how useful it could be until I used it in winter cleaning. After the winter, your carpets, rugs, and mattresses can have a musty winter odour. All you have to do is sprinkle some baking soda on that stuff, wait for half an hour, and it should eliminate all those unpleasant odours. Apart from the smell, it also does a great job tackling stains.

Curtains don’t necessarily need washing

If you have washed your curtains before, you look how much hassle it can be. Pulling those heavy curtains off and getting them to the dishwasher can be so much hard work. Sometimes there are also instances where the curtain can get ruined due to cleaning. Instead, you can eliminate it by vacuuming it thoroughly, which is much more convenient and time-efficient. Unless the curtains are physically dirty, you don’t have to waste energy and time washing them.

Descaling shower and tap heads

I think we all think about cleaning that limescale off our taps and showerheads but forget about it the next moment due to our busy life. However, the cleaning season is here, and you can easily clean the limescale off overnight with vinegar and water mixture.

Put the mixture in a sandwich bag, put the tap/ shower head into it and attach the bag with a rubber band. The limescale buildup will come off pretty quickly once you wipe it with a toothbrush the following day.

Wall cleaning made easy

Cleaning doesn’t always have to use water, especially for walls. It can damage the paint and, in some cases, the wall itself. So, the easiest thing to do is get a microfiber duster ad start wiping your partition. It attracts the dust and knocks off the more considerable dust and cobwebs. You’ll love how easy it is and surprised to see how much dust it can collect.

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