We treasure our homes so much. This is because of both their actual and sentimental value. It took a lot of time and money to put the house up in the first place. You had probably saved for a long time or took a loan that you are still paying for. Do not get me started on the sentimental value of our homes.
They are treasure troves for both the good and bad memories. Remarkable events happened in that house over the years. This is why that ordinary, small home has a tight hold on you and when it starts to fall apart your heartbreaks. Below is how you can prevent that heartache by giving your home a makeover on a tight budget.
Go Green

Go green is a general term that covers all activities that in a way protect the environment. They are important as they try to counter the pollution spewed into the environment by both people and industries. Introduce plants in your lawns instead of the bare, ugly concrete blocks that people prefer nowadays. Get a landscaper to plant grass in your lawn at an affordable rate.
Plants have a way of completely transforming the appearance of a place. After planting grass, introduce flower beds or flower pots all around the lawn to compliment the green. The plants and flowers could also be placed inside the house for aesthetic and soothing purposes. Tend to the plants regularly to keep your house beautiful.
Start Small
Most people get overwhelmed when renovating because they are set on doing a total makeover at once. This is okay if you have finances set aside to cater for this. But if you have budgetary issues and things need to be taken care of first then starting small is the way to go. You can start by replacing the front door or putting up a picket fence first.
This should be done progressively over time. You can decide to do a single thing every month or after two months and stick to it. If you got a new kitchen countertop this month then use water pipes from
ppr pipes manufacturers to upgrade the plumbing system in the next month. Within a year or so your home would be totally transformed.
Make Use Of The Internet

The internet is arguably the greatest invention of this era. It has truly turned the world into a small cyber village, communication has never been much easier. It is also a great learning tool, the internet has considerable content on almost every subject on the face of the earth. Lately, it has been crossing over to stuff about space and dark matter.
There is vast content on home decor improvement and home makeovers all over the internet. Do it yourself YouTube makeover videos that guide you procedurally on how to transform the look of your home. At a free cost, you can learn important crafts like how to make a door or replace the plumbing system. Thus make use of the internet when planning your home's facelift.
Use Art
Art can be used to transform your house into a beautiful place. Bare walls do not inspire anything and do very little in terms of lifting the mood of a place. Use art to transform your bleak walls into wonderful sights. Family portraits also count as art, so capture as many memories as you can and hang them around the house.
It does not have to be the Mona Lisa quality kind of art. There are many artists who retail good art at affordable rates, you can also create your own attractive pieces. Buy antique pieces at flash sales or yard sales and use them as art fixtures around your home.
A fresh coat of paint does wonders and it can certainly help in giving your home a facelift. Paint everything, from doors to walls and even the ceilings. It is a cheap way to renovate as the only expense will be purchasing paint gallons. Turn the painting process into a collective family activity.
Wait for the weekend and put on overalls or old clothing, hand each person a paintbrush and a gallon and get right to work. Let your kids choose the paint colors for their bedrooms, consult your partner on what to do in the rest of the house. You will maintain a peaceful home this way.
Watching your home slowly fall apart can be very painful. Our homes are very valuable to us mostly because of their sentimental value. This article is a guide to prevent this by guiding you on how to give your home a facelift even on a
low budget.