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How Does Geothermal Heating Work?

Geothermal heating is an age-old solution to the common problem of energy transfer that we all experience on a daily basis. Every home in the United States and beyond relies on a number of different heating solutions to maintain comfort within the space of the living quarters.

Geothermal heat is a renewable and easy-to-use source of natural heating, and more homes all across the world are using this readily available resource these days as a result. But asking the question, “How does geothermal heating work?” is only the first step in the right direction here. The truth is that geothermal heat sources were once relegated to only the regions of the world that enjoyed surface-level heat extrusion. Places that sport geysers, volcanoes, and other natural terrestrial phenomena of the same type all bring the same surface heating to bear, creating a natural buffer of constant ambient heat that can be tapped into for many different uses.

Technology has advanced in the modern age. While ancient humans (and modern residents, too) in Iceland were baking bread with the help of naturally occurring hot springs, today, homes all around the world can take advantage of the deep-rooted heat that the Earth naturally maintains as a result of its molten core and gigantic mass. This heat radiates outward (as a result of standard heat transfer physics that sees space, beyond our atmosphere, as a colder physical region than the Earth itself), and with the help of finely tuned heating coils and other installations, capturing this natural radiance is simple and can provide a wonderful cost reduction to your household.

Geothermal energy is natural in the greatest sense.

Geothermal energy

Just like solar power and wind energy, harnessing geothermal energy with the help of a ground loop system offers a cost-effective and eco-friendly approach to heating your home and creating hot water and other necessities in the home. This type of heating energy is renewable in the same context as solar power. Earth will continue to radiate heat for as long as the planet exists, and capturing the result of this natural process is simply an intelligent way to reduce our overall reliance on oils, gases, and other fossil fuels.

A ground loop is easy to install and can provide years of excellent heating energy to the home.

A ground loop

Many homes and facilities around the United States and the world are experimenting with blended power options. One innovative strategy that’s come into focus in recent years is the dual-threat that solar and hydroelectric power can provide when used in tandem. There are already projects in the works that will activate hydroelectric turbines as a downhill electricity generator, coupled with immense solar production designed to raise the water used back up to its storage height.

Installing a geothermal ground loop can provide homeowners and facility managers the same kinds of benefits. A properly installed ground loop can collect or transmit energy in the form of heat into or out of the ground. This means that the stored potential energy is able to serve as a heating and cooling source for the air in the home. Your HVAC system is often one of the costlier components of the property’s routine bills, but with the help of this installation, reducing your heating and cooling bills through the most extreme months of the year is simple. These coils rest quietly in the space beneath your home and work diligently to collect and transfer the heat energy that Earth produces naturally up into your property.

Consider installing a geothermal power solution in your home for the best in renewable heating and cooling.

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