Charles Darwin made the Galapagos Islands famous for the unique wildlife he researched, and they remain one of the world's most pristine tropical island systems. However, since Darwin's exploration, the islands have undergone major changes, including a boom in population and a burgeoning tourism sector, as well as pollution, illegal fishing, and invasive species threats.
Here we explain what you can expect throughout the year, the best time to visit the Galápagos Islands and the best cruises.

Galapagos Islands

Best Time to Visit

The Galapagos Islands are a year-round attraction with moderate weather and few migratory species. The best time to visit the Galapagos Islands is determined by what you want to see and do while you're there. Despite its proximity to the equator, the archipelago's temperature differs from traditional tropical locations. There are two seasons in the Enchanted Isles: hot and dry, which we'll discuss in this blog and the various activities you can partake in a while visiting!


The rainy season in the Galápagos Islands begins in January and lasts until March when rainfall and humidity peak. The days are mostly sunny, with tropical showers that are usually brief but can be heavy. Because the sea and air temperatures are warm, this is an excellent time to snorkel around the archipelago. Even on the cooler western islands, snorkelling is enjoyable, and off the coast of Isabela, you might even see penguins swimming alongside tropical fish — a once-in-a-lifetime event!


The end of the rainy season in the Galápagos Islands means that the islands are lush and green, and snorkelers may enjoy good visibility in the ocean. The waved albatross begins to arrive on Espaola Island in late March, and in April, this is the only spot in the world where you can witness their courtship ritual. The eggs of green sea turtles and land iguanas are beginning to hatch, and the blue-footed boobies' courtship dance may be seen on North Seymour.


Temperatures in the sea and the air begin to plummet, and ocean currents get stronger. In the Galápagos, today marks the start of the gala season, when early mornings may be a little foggy, although this will burn off during the day. Dolphins and whales are more likely to be spotted off the coast of Isabela as temperatures cool and marine bird groups become more active. Giant tortoises travel from the mountains on best cruises to the Galapagos Islands, searching for suitable breeding sites.


The Galápagos Islands' sea lion population, particularly on the western and central islands, is in the midst of the pupping season. Nesting Nazca boobies and swallow-tailed gulls occur, while Galápagos hawk courtship rituals commence. In August and September, the sea is rough, with currents at their fiercest and temperatures at their lowest. Penguins are busy on Bartolomé, diving torpedo-style beneath the surface. Blue-footed boobie chicks can be found on Espaola and Isabela Islands in October.


November to December are often favourable for visiting the Galápagos Islands since temperatures increase, and the calmer seas allow for decent underwater visibility for snorkelers. While playing in the ocean, curious sea lion pups may be interested enough to chew at snorkelers' fins (particularly at Champion Islet on Floreana Island). Green sea turtles demonstrate their mating behaviour between December and April, and giant tortoise eggs begin to hatch.


The Galapagos cruises will allow you to comfortably and safely explore the archipelago. These trips prioritize a little to non-existent influence on the Galapagos' fragile ecology, and they appreciate the elegance and charm of real nautical experiences from the past.

1-Northern Galapagos Catamaran Cruise

This 5-day tour aboard the Ocean Spray will take you to the Galapagos' northern islands. Once on board, take a sail to Bartolome Island and trek to the volcano's summit for spectacular views. On Genovesa Island, you'll also stroll through mangroves and see tidal pools teeming with sea lions and reef fish. You can also snorkel with a school of fish, rays, sea lions, and, if you're lucky, penguins! This short voyage through the northern islands is jam-packed with adventure!

2-Northern Islands

This 5-day cruise explores the highlights of this historically significant archipelago, allowing you to appreciate the grandeur of the Northern Galapagos Islands. Snorkel through Darwin's Bay to see a variety of aquatic life. Visit Genovesa Island, dubbed "The Bird Island," for up-close encounters with various bird species, including Nazca, blue, and red-footed boobies. Discover the beautiful mangrove lagoon at Black Turtle Cove on Santa Cruz Island's north side, as well as much more!

3-West & Central Islands + Genovesa

On this incredible 8-day cruise, discover the beauties of the Western and Central Galapagos Islands. Penguins, the Galapagos Hawk, Nazca Boobies, finches, flightless cormorants, and warblers are among the numerous beautiful species of Galapagos animals that call this paradisiac archipelago home. Hike through unique forests that provide excellent wildlife viewing and geology and numerous great photo opportunities. Many nesting birds, including Red-footed and Nazca Boobies, Frigate Birds, gulls, and others, may be seen. Take a dip or go snorkelling among fish, sea lions, and turtles to cool off.

4-Wildlife Odyssey

In one action-packed 15-day journey to the greatest of Ecuador, see three world wonders: the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon Rainforest, and the Andes Mountains. Spend five nights kayaking dugout boats and looking for Amazonian species, including monkeys, sloths, and caimans in the Amazon jungle at the cosy Sacha Lodge. Fly to the Galapagos Islands later in the week to cruise around the islands. Visit distant locations for nature walks and get a chance to see the Enchanted Islands' distinctive, courageous wildlife.

5-Galapagos Southeast Islands

This cruise allows you to see more of the Galapagos' southeast islands than just the highlights. Travel from lovely San Cristobal to the islands of Espaola, Floreana, and Santa Cruz on a 5-day excursion. View colourful fish, sharks, rays, and sea turtles while swimming with gigantic tortoises and snorkelling in beautiful seas. The fauna is abundant, and the scenery is breathtaking, making this an unforgettable holiday.