There is such a variety of excellent ATVs on the market nowadays that choosing an optimal one for your needs and budget might take some time. Still, it may be a good idea to buy a second-hand quad bike if you have little or no experience driving it, as you will most likely wear it out quickly.
Plus, you can save good money too, which you can spend on essential accessories, like a decent
ATV storage box, instead. Fortunately, quad bikes are comparatively sturdy and last a lot longer than other categories of cars. So it is relatively easy to find a second-hand ATV that will work just as well as a brand new one and for a long time too, provided you take good care of it.
In this article, we shall make some suggestions on what you should look at to make sure you buy a second-hand ATV in good condition.
1. Body
The main thing to check when inspecting an ATV is that there are no cracks, deep scratches, or other damages in the plastic parts of the vehicle. These damages indicate that either the quad bike has been in a traffic accident or its previous owner was not looking after it well. In either case, there will be more unpleasant surprises to discover.
2. Tires
As a rule, replacing the tires are the seller's responsibility, but still, discuss it with him to make sure there is no misunderstanding on the subject. And check the tires for any missing pieces of rubber or cracks to see if any replacement is necessary.
3. Oil Filters
The most significant indicator concerning the working condition of the oil filter is the colour and purity of the oil. It might not be as easy to assess, though, unless you are a car professional. Still, you should be cautious of the bikes with muddy black water in the system or metallic particles in the oil.
4. Handlebars
If the bike has bent handlebars, you may be sure that it has been in a bad traffic accident, and you will do well to eliminate the vehicle from your list of options. No matter how old the ATV is, you should only consider buying it if its handlebars have a perfect, brand-new shape.
5. Battery
It should be quick and easy to start the quad bike. If it is not, it is most probably because the battery does not work very well.
6. Engine
Evaluating the sound of an engine requires a good amount of experience, which is why it is always better, if possible, to shop for a second-hand vehicle with a knowledgeable friend or assistant. Yet, black smoke in the exhaust pipe and a tapping noise are easily detectable even with untrained eyes and ears, and those signs are definite red flags.
7. Accessories
Some second-hand quad bikes come with all sorts of accessories, such as
ATV cargo boxes, making the vehicles more expensive than they would be otherwise, and you should decide whether:
- You want to have those extras, in the first place
- They do not spoil the overall integrity of the bike
- You agree to pay for them
Anyway, a vehicle without extras will cost less, and you can always buy whatever else you need, like an
ATV storage box, later when you have browsed the market for the best one for your needs and budget.