When it comes time for girls to grow into young ladies, setting them up for personal care needs can be a task. Personal care is taking care of yourself like hygiene and dressing. When young girls reach the age of no longer needing help for their personal care needs, it is essential to show them how to take care of themselves so that they will keep that knowledge with them throughout their adult lives. Below we will discuss five tips on making personal care more approachable to young girls.
The Right Skincare
As girls transition into their young adult lives, it is vital to show them the proper skincare routine. Helping them with proper face washing techniques, drying, and moisturizing will save their skin for years to come. The right products can make all the difference. This is when their skin will be at its most vulnerable and sensitive, so it is important to choose skincare that won't be harsh on their skin. Look to fifthandroot.com for all-natural, vegan products that are gentle enough for a young girl's skin. These products come in a wide variety, from facial cleansers to moisturizers so that you can show her a gentle new skincare routine.
The Right Clothes

For many young girls, this is when they are transitioning into young women, and it is essential to dress the part. In addition, young girls tend to have more sensitive skin and have different needs than before. So instead of plain underwear, look for a girl's boxers to make her feel more comfortable without the worry of irritation.
Teaching Basic Hygiene

When it comes to basic hygiene, you want to teach your daughter the basics of what it means to take care of herself. This goes beyond proper face washing but more along the lines of doing daily things to ensure good hygiene. This includes brushing her teeth, wearing deodorant, trimming her nails, and brushing her hair. Every young girl should know these basic hygiene acts to keep them looking and feeling her best. If your daughter seems to be struggling with her hygiene, try doing these activities together to make the transition easier. As a child, you may have assisted her with these basic needs, but now you can do them with her to teach her to do them the right way and instil healthy habits that will last.
Great Books for Her

Sometimes girls of this age are not very approachable regarding personal care, which is okay. This is when she is learning about herself and may show signs of more independence. If this is the case, you can still be supportive and help her in other ways. You can get many books on the market for your daughter to teach her all she needs to know about personal care. Giving a book like this as a gift is a great way to show her that you care and when she is comfortable, she will come to you for guidance.
Be Approachable by Understanding
One of the best ways you can make personal care more approachable for the young girl in your life is to make sure she is comfortable and being understanding of her. Many young girls want their personal space during this time, and by giving her that, you show that you care. If she needs help, she will know that she can come to you and that you trust her to do what's best for her. Being an understanding parent is the best way to make personal care more approachable for the young girl in your life.