Wondering what a lawyer can do for you if you have a boat accident? We have the scoop right here.
Having a boat accident is something no captain wants to think about. Nevertheless, we still take out insurance for our fleet just in case. Another thing that we ought to do just in case is to look up the name and number of a good lawyer who can assist you with your injuries after a boat accident. Why do we do this? Because boating is inherently dangerous. Fishermen and sailors have long since known that the sea is either their best friend or their worst enemy. A trip overboard is all it takes to never see the light of day again.
Here's every way a lawyer can assist you with your injuries when you have a boat accident.
How can your lawyer help you with injuries due to boating accidents?
If you get injured in a
boating accident, your law firm can do a few things to represent you and make sure you recover quicker.
They speak to witnesses
You don't go to see alone. Most of us go to sea with our crew. If you are left incapacitated by your boating accident, then your lawyer will speak to the witnesses to the accident and ascertain exactly what happened. They can then take this information to the insurance company so that you receive compensation for your injuries. They might not be able to tend your wounds personally, but they can make sure that the person who is tending your wounds is paid for.
They liaise with coast guards and police.
If you are unable to speak for yourself, a lawyer will
represent you after your boating accident. This may mean that they liaise with the coast guards and police on your behalf. If you are incapacitated and can't speak for yourself, then this is especially useful. You do not want to end up getting the blame pinned on you simply because you can't defend yourself. A lawyer will stop this from happening.
They discern what happened during your accident
A lawyer can work out what happened during your accident by piecing together police reports, Coast Guard information, and witness statements. If you need a lawyer in a location near San Francisco, we can help. Contact
Gjel for the best boating accident law firm in your area. Working out what happened while you are unconscious gives you the edge with the insurance company. If you have a solid timeline of events that cannot be argued with and that you can prove thanks to your lawyer, then the insurance company doesn't have a leg to stand on in denying your claim.
They act when you can't
The best thing about a boating accident personal enjoyer is that they will act on your behalf. When you are unable to. You would end up being the one to blame for the accident just because you weren't there to represent yourself.