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All About Wood Fired Hot Tubs and Electric Hot Tubs


Wood-fired hot tubs may sound a little old-schooled but in reality, it is a unique and great experience. For those looking for a unique experience, fibreglass wood-fired hot tubs are a terrific option. It's a distinct sensation to drink water heated by your own fire. You'll sense it. You'll become absorbed in the procedure long before you immerse yourself in boiling water. If you are someone interested in buying Wood fired hot tubs but you want to know the details about it. This article is for you! So without further dragging let us know all about the wood-fired hot tubs and other types of hot tubs as well.

How Are Wood-Fired Hot Tubs Constructed?

The majority of outdoor hot tubs have a fibreglass shell and wood cladding, as well as a stainless steel wood-fired heater. The hot tub is constructed of raw spruce wood, which blends in well with the surrounding environment. The tub's fibreglass shell is extremely sturdy and long-lasting, and it never leaks or over-dries, which are common problems with classic wooden hot tubs. Comfortably contoured seats are kind to body lines and make bathing a pleasurable experience. The surface is smooth and pleasant to the touch, as well as being quite easy to clean. Fibreglass shells come in a variety of colours as well.

Wooden Hot Tubs

Wooden hot tubs can accommodate four to twelve people, depending on their size. This is a wonderful way to unwind at any time of year. Bathing in an outdoor tub stimulates the circulatory system while also revitalizing the skin. This therapy is beneficial to the human body since it boosts the immune system and aids in the prevention of colds. Aching joints and rheumatism are also relieved by the soothing warmth. It is often assumed that Japan's low incidence of cardiovascular disease and rheumatism are related to the country's frequent use of hot baths. They're especially good for anyone who can't stand the heat and humidity of a Finnish sauna or a Russian bathhouse. hot tub are light and can be lifted by 4-5 persons, so you'll be able to transfer it to its new location in the yard or load it into a vehicle with ease. Outdoors, you should anticipate your hot tub to survive at least 15 to 20 years. Each hot tub is handcrafted by expert artisans and subjected to stringent quality control to eliminate the risk of a leak. Siberian larch and Siberian spruce are very resistant to temperature changes, bacteria, and water exposure due to their fundamental nature. As a result, they have a longer lifespan than other types of wood.

What Should Be Prepared Before Having the Hot Tub Delivery?

The most crucial step is to lay the groundwork for your Hot Tub. The hot tub foundation must be level and load-bearing. A good layer of stone chip and a few hardwood logs placed beneath a hot tub is an easy method to set it up. A platform built of wood or cast concrete provides a sturdier basis. It's best not to put the hot tub on grass or soft ground. The vegetation beneath the tub prevents the underfloor from breathing, retains moisture, and speeds up the decaying process.

What Are Some Safety Measures Required?

To avoid a fire, do not situate the hot tub too close to buildings or other flammable structures. Ensure the safety of youngsters in and around the tub. When not in use, keep the tub closed with the lid. Keep in mind that it's slick in the winter. Do not bathe alone in the tub. The water in the tub should not be overheated. The water temperature in a hot tub should be between 37 and 40 degrees Celsius. Children and people with cardiac problems should be kept at a lower temperature. When using a heater, wear protective gloves. During operation, some parts may become hot. The chimney and heater's edges may be jagged.

How Much Time Does It Take For the Hot Tub To Heat?

With an external wood burner, the normal healing period for a hot tub is roughly 2 to 2.5 hours. It takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to heat a hot tub with an integrated wood burner. The actual heating duration is highly dependent on weather conditions, water temperature, firewood quality, and efficient and timely burning, among other factors. To shorten the healing period, the hot tub should be covered with a lid to prevent heat evaporation. When water heats up, it layers and must be blended to determine the true temperature.

How to Clean the Fiberglass Hot Tub?

Before you use the hot tub, make sure it's clean. It should be washed with soap and a soft cloth or sponge, and then rinsed with fresh water. When cleaning, avoid using any abrasive materials. Before soaking in the hot tub, take a shower. Depending on the weather and overall hygiene, the water in the tub is only good for 2-3 days. Only special chemicals (we propose OXYGEN water treatments) and a water filter can keep the water clean and sanitary for longer. Otherwise, water will need to be changed more frequently. When utilizing swimming pool chemicals in these little tubs, use caution. The doses could be too high, resulting in material deterioration. Please keep in mind that wooden hot tubs require water to be kept within the tub practically all of the time, this water must be drained and refilled before cleaning.

How to Empty a Hot Tub?

When choosing a place for your hot tub, keep in mind the wastewater discharge. The water in a hot tub can hold up to 1500 litres and must be drained after each usage. The water drainage plug is installed in the hot tub's floor (only for hot tubs with external wood burners) and connects to a 40 mm waste pipe. When the hot tub is not in use, do not close the water drainage plug to prevent rainwater from collecting and freezing in subzero weather. Make sure the water from the external log burner is drained as well.


to conclude everything that has been stated so far, it is a unique experience to bathe in an outdoor hot tub. Since it is not very common so, before setting up an outdoor hot tub people have a lot of questions which are explained in this article. Everyone should experience an outdoor bath in a hot tub as it is a great experience.

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