So you've been arrested and don't have any money to bail yourself out? Don't worry, and you have choices! If you've been charged and need to get free so you can look after your family, go to work, and take care of your other daily obligations,
Apex Bail Bonds of Wentworth may help. Being unable to post bail can be unpleasant, and it might even jeopardize your future. Even if you don't have the money to pay your bond upfront, there are a few alternative ways to get out of jail while you wait for your court date, as explained in this article.
Bail collateral, and how does it work?
Bail collateral can be used instead of or in addition to bail money to secure the release of someone detained. Consider it a loan or a type of credit to guarantee that the individual appears in court. Collateral can take several forms, including your home, jewels, or other assets with a specific value.
If you're using your house, vehicle, or other significant pieces of property as collateral, the court or bail agency will usually ask you to sign over the deed or pink slip to them. If it's a smaller item, like jewelry, they'll take actual ownership of it and store it safely until the matter is completed. Most of the time, bail collateral is in the form of real estate.
Suppose the court is enforcing a property-based bail bond because of a misdemeanor. Most of the time, bail collateral is in the form of real estate. If a court fails to collect on property-based bail collateral due to a failure to appear in court, the individual's residence is usually seized and sold. Property bail can take weeks to collect, and the value of the estate being auctioned must be at least 150 percent of the amount owing to the court.
Bail bond agent
You can use the services of a business bail bond agency if you can't afford to post your bail (bail bondsman). A bond agent will charge a nonrefundable 10 to 20% of the total bail. In exchange, the bail bond agent agrees to pay the court the remaining money if you fail to appear in court.
When someone else posts bail on a defendant's behalf, the bail bond becomes a three-party agreement between the defendant, the court, and the surety. The surety is the party responsible for ensuring the defendant's appearance in court upon a defendant's request.
Licensed bond brokers, as well as friends and family of the defendant, may act as sureties for a criminal bail. The defendant has agreed to appear in future hearings as part of the contract. The surety guarantees to return the money.
Use of credit card to post a bail
If you're in a scenario where you need to post a bond but don't know how you'll pay, a credit card can be a good option. A rising number of jails in the various states now accept credit cards as bail payments. It may also give you points that you may use toward a vacation or other purchases.
Many jails around the country now accept internet-based bail payments in addition to credit cards. Credit cards, debit cards, and even prepaid cards can all be used to post bail bonds. However, before you use them to grant temporary liberty to someone, make sure you understand how they function, as doing so may result in costs. Because it might take a long time to come up with cash to pay bail, several jails around the country have implemented credit card payment options.
Bail bond financing
Most people cannot afford to pay the bail sum in full right at once, so they must seek a personal loan from a bank or borrow money from a friend or relative. You will get a complete refund after the case, except for a few office charges. You can pay off the loan with only a few small costs if you get this money back. You will not obtain a loan if you have terrible credit.
Using the services of a bail bondsman is the most typical way to pay for bail. Typically, you will only be required to pay a portion of the total bail cost; the bonds firm will determine the exact bail amount. If you prefer to post collateral rather than money, you will get your assets once the case is completed and all financial matters have been resolved. However, if the defendant fails to appear in court, the patient will be dismissed.