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9 Motorcycle Accident Facts (& How to Stay Safe on your Motorcycle)

Though they are not necessarily more frequent than automobile accidents, motorcycle mishaps can be more startling and life-threatening. They might also be caused by some unusual circumstances. Several studies and polls have revealed certain intriguing facts and statistics about motorbike collisions. Here's the top 10:
  1. The majority (around 3 quarters) of motorcycle accidents are caused by collisions with other vehicles, typically a passenger car.
  2. Only about a fourth of motorcycle accidents are single-vehicle events in which the bike collides with the road or something fixed in the environment.
  3. The majority of motorcycle accidents are single-vehicle collisions in which control is lost due to a puncture flat. Vehicle failure causes less than 3% of motorbike crashes, and the vast majority are single-vehicle events owing to a flat tire.
  4. About two-thirds of single-vehicle accidents are due to rider error, usually a slide-out and fall as a result of over braking or speeding wide on a curve because to insufficient speed or under cornering.
  5. Potholes and other road problems are responsible for only about 2% of all motorbike accidents, while animals account for only 1% of them.
  6. In 2/3 of motor vehicle accidents, the other vehicle flouting the motorcycle's right-of-way is to blame.
  7. Motorcycle accidents are most commonly caused by motorists failing to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic. Neither the driver of the other vehicle involved in the collision with the motorcycle saw the motorcycle before it collided, nor did the driver see the motorcycle in time to avoid it.
  8. Motorists intentionally acting hostilely towards motorcycle riders is a rare cause of accidents. The most frequent type of accident occurs when a motorcycle is proceeding straight and an automobile makes a left turn in front of it.
  9. It is the intersections where motorcycle accidents occur most often because the other vehicle violates the motorcycle's right-of-way and often other traffic regulations (i.e., changing lanes before a red light or stopping at a stop sign).

Staying safe

Here are some tips on how to stay safe on your motorcycle:

When riding a motorcycle, it is important to be aware of the dangers that can occur on the road. The majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by collisions with other vehicles, so it is important to be aware of how to share the road safely.

When driving a motorcycle, it is important to always obey the motorcycle laws and signals. Be sure to check your mirrors regularly and use your turn signals when changing lanes or turning. It is also important to slow down when approaching intersections and be aware of other vehicles around you.

When driving a motorcycle, it is also important to keep your eyes on the road. Do not look at your phone or anything else in the environment; focus on what is happening in front of you. This will allow you to see dangers before they come upon you.

If a collision is inevitable, it is important to be prepared. When behind another vehicle, make sure that there are at least three seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you. This will provide enough time to adjust your speed accordingly, if necessary. If you crash into another vehicle or something else on the road, take control of your bike as soon as it is safe to do so, then move out of traffic lanes if possible so other drivers can see where you are and avoid hitting you.

It is important also to be aware of what cars around you are doing at all times so that you can anticipate their actions and respond properly. It is especially important to be alert for left-turning cars, as they often do not see motorcycles and can cause serious accidents.

Motorcyclists can also take preventative measures to stay safe on the road. One such measure is using lane splitting – riding between lanes of stopped or slow-moving traffic – which can help to avoid some accidents. It is important, however, to be aware of the dangers of lane splitting and to do so only when it is safe to do so.

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