The plumbing system is a vital component of any home, and thanks to its complexity, it requires qualified and experienced experts to handle most issues. Besides preventing further damages, hiring and working with a qualified plumber also ensures you do not get hurt during the repairs. However, there are many repairs that you can do yourself.
DIY is cost-effective, and more importantly, it promotes creativity and innovativeness among homeowners. Some of the plumbing services that you can handle by yourself that can cut costs and enhance your innovativeness include the following.
Clogged Toilets
Like most people, your first course of action for a clogged toilet is probably trying to unclog it with a plunger. In most cases, you may be lucky to unclog the toilet, especially if the cause of the clog is minor. While there is nothing wrong with the technique, you should contact a professional plumber if the plugger does not help after a few attempts as it may indicate a bigger underlying issue. Besides unclogging the toilet,
Sarkinen Plumbing serving Portland and nearby areas also recommend long-term solutions, saving you money.
Clogged Drain
Clogged drains are among the most popular plumbing issues that regularly occur in most homes. Some of these clogs are easy to handle and don't require professional attendance. Plumbing experts recommend small hand augers, coat hangers, or cleaning solutions rather than chemical drain cleaners.
While most homeowners commonly use the latter, it is a highly discouraged option for being dangerous and ineffective besides further worsening the clog. Calling a professional plumber is ideal if you identify multiple slow drains or you cannot clear the drain after a few attempts. Several slow drains in the system are an indication of a larger issue that an expert should handle.
Garbage Disposal
Jammed garbage disposals are nothing new in most homes and occur from time to time. It is an issue you can easily handle by pressing the reset button. However, the button is the furthest your DIY freedom goes as getting overconfident can result in severe accidents and injuries. As you try resolving your inoperable garbage disposal, you should never insert your bare hands inside the system. A dowel or wooden spoon could come in handy when dislodging the item causing the clog. Remember to switch off the power before removing any clogs.
Other DIY tricks for dealing with a failed garbage disposal include checking the circuit breaker to see if it is functioning well. As you try to get rid of the clogs, you should use more light to identify the possible obstructions and remove them using the needle-nose pliers. After all the above options, it should probably be time to make the call if unsuccessful.
Replacing A Showerhead
When your showerhead fails, or you would like to upgrade to a better one, you do not have to hire a plumber to do the replacement. It is one of the simplest plumbing tasks you can handle by yourself, thereby saving your time and money. It would help to be more careful when replacing the showerhead to avoid getting hurt in the process.
Moreover, you should also collect all the tools and materials you need before resuming the task. The next step is to clean the shower arm before removing the old showerhead and cleaning the shower arm threads. You should then wrap the threads with the plumbers' tape before installing the new shower head. It is also necessary to inspect the new installation for any leaks and rectify them.
Basic Replacements
In addition, most of the replacements do not require professional knowledge. For example, replacing domestic water filter cartridges, drop valve washers, toilet cistern, suction cup rubber, and float valve washers, you do not need professional experience. Also, you need basic knowledge to replace jumper valves and washers in the taps. You can also replace the sink stopper and toilet flapper valves if you have the right tools by following a simple guide.
Identifying Faultiness In A Plumbing System
Identifying the water source in the home, testing its quality and pressure (and adjusting adequately) does not need professional experience but basic knowledge. Also, you can use your DIY expertise to locate the main water source, turn it off when necessary, and locate individual cut-off valves. You can also use the same knowledge when checking for underlying water leaks and rectifying them in time. However, you should call a plumber in severe and complicated cases.
DIY in plumbing is a risky decision that requires great caution for the successful completion of the task. Moreover, not every plumbing issue can be handled by DIY, as mentioned above. Any complicated issue should be left to experts for safety and to prevent further damage.