Some might argue that
snakes are beneficial to gardens - and that’s true! They help to keep the pest population in check by feeding on rats and insects. And if you’re a fan of snakes, having them around might be a good thing. But if snakes scare the living daylight out of you, it makes no sense to forgo your peace of mind to have them around.
Whether you want these slithering creatures around or not, it helps to know what flowers and plants attract them so you can act accordingly. And if you’d like to learn more about snake removal, visit
How Do Flowers and Plants Attract Snakes?
You might be asking: Are snakes attracted to the beauty of flowers or the pleasant aroma of certain plants?
Well, snakes use their flicking tongues to collect molecules in the surrounding air. They then rub their tongue on Jacobson’s organ, which collects the information and transfers the aroma to the brain.
Why Are Snakes Attracted to Gardens?
Snakes are primarily attracted to gardens for two main reasons:
- Food: The garden is a mini-ecosystem that supports several life forms. Snakes find many animals in gardens appetizing - from frogs to roaches to insect larva to slugs. It’s then a no-brainer that snakes are attracted to a steady supply of food.
- Shelter: The flowers and leaves in gardens provide great hiding spots for snakes. It provides a safe place for them to hang around while basking in the sun’s heat before slithering into shadows to regulate their body temperatures.
Plants That Attract Snakes
- Flowers: Depending on the snake species, flowers provide an excellent covering for snakes. That’s why stakes are attracted to flowers like rosemary, morning glory, plants, and flowerbeds of other plant species found beneath plant feeders.
- Groundcover species of plants: Groundcover plant species like woodruff, creeping phlox, and bugleweed are naturally low-growing plants that form attractive carpets or mounds. But at the same time, they offer an excellent covering for snakes to roam freely undetected. This is particularly true for green snakes slithering across green groundcover plants.
- Sandalwood tree: This small, tropical tree is native to Asia - particularly Southeast Asia and southern India. Aside from its significant medicinal and fragrant qualities, it is considered sacred in some religions like Hinduism. What’s more, this tree is known to attract snakes. Contrary to what you might think, snakes are not attracted to sandalwood because of its smell. Instead, the sandalwood tree attracts rodents and birds on which snakes feed. Also, snakes wrap themselves around the tree to cool off under the scorching sun.
- Cedar trees: Cedar trees are great evergreen conifers known for their resilience. What’s more, they have these cedar-shaped leaves that are loved by snakes, probably because of the great cover it provides. Some even claim that the strong fragrance attracts rodents and other reptiles, making it a good place for snakes to hunt prey.
- Raat ki rani or Queen of Night: This unique species of cactus is known to bloom rarely. Even when it does, it does so at night, and its flowers wilt before dawn. However, this plant is a fragrant flowering bush. Do you know what that means? It attracts pollinators like insects. And snakes, in turn, feed on these pollinators.
Wrap Up
So there you have it - some of the plants and flowers that attract snakes. Thankfully, most of the snake species found in gardens are non-venomous and harmless. However, if you’re not comfortable with snakes or are unsure what species you have in your garden, you may need a professional to take a look.