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Our Tips for Training Young Horses

Young Horses

Although training a young horse can be seen as an intimidating prospect, it can also be a good process that will teach you and your horse a lot about each other. Building a solid bond with your horse will create a lifelong connection from the offset. Preparing for your new addition will require more than buying the best horse rugs UK and establishing a healthy diet, so we’ve pulled together some of our top tips to make the training process as smooth as possible.

Establish your authority

A horse must adapt to your routine if it has not experienced a long-term owner. Getting into a set routine and using firm actions will speed up the process and help you gain the respect you deserve. From day one, establishing your dominance by not accepting improper behaviours and rewarding good ones will help set the boundaries and get your horse on the right track.

Professional insights

If you need to be more knowledgeable in training young horses, work with those who can help you through the process. Depending on your horse’s behaviour, it can be a testing process, so having a port of call when you need expert advice is highly recommended. Horse trainers can advise on the best processes and approaches for your horse’s needs. There are endless resources that can be read to gain a deeper understanding of the reasons behind different behaviours.

Give it time

The process of training a young horse is a long one, requiring endless patience and perseverance. It is very typical for a horse to not pick up on a new skill or take a backwards step on something you thought you may have cracked the code with, but keep this from being a deterrence. Your horse needs to trust you as their owner, and it can take a while for them to adapt to their new lifestyle, so take small steps instead of overwhelming them. Many owners find it beneficial to keep a written or visual log of any progress to refer back to where they started and monitor progress over time. It would also be great to add horse fencing to the area to make your horses safe and familiarise them with the place since they can roam freely within the installed fence.

Desensitise from movement

For many young horses, sudden movements and unusual sensations can make them unpredictable. Start by familiarising them with a saddle, getting it into position and, putting pressure on the different areas such as the stirrup and the top, moving weight from side to side so they will not react to unexpected movement when it comes to riding. Getting them used to riding and human interaction during earlier stages of life will make the training process more accessible, becoming a regular part of their daily life.

The training process will differ from horse to horse, with all personalities creating a different experience. With no one size fits all approach, adapting to your horse and giving them the time to adapt to you will set the foundations of your training plan, building up that all-important trust.

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