Are you worried about your drinking habits? Do you think you are drinking too often or too much? If you think you should cut back a little, congratulations. That’s the first step, and you are at the right place. We will share some simple ways, which will help you stay sober. Alcoholism can be of different levels. If you are too dependent on drinking alcohol, you should seek professional help for detoxing. You may experience some severe withdrawal symptoms, and a professional environment will help you deal with that. Too much alcohol can lead to severe health issues like heart diseases, liver damage, kidney failure, stroke, depression, etc. So, control it before it’s too late. These ways are not alternatives to medical support; it is best to check in with a doctor while

What is Alcohol Use Disorder?
Sometimes, when you are depressed or have experienced a traumatic event, it is easy to drink alcohol and wash it all away. It also works for a while. But with time alcohol becomes your greatest enemy. Being unable to control your drinking habits anymore, having intense cravings, and experiencing emotional and physical trouble when not drinking, are the symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder or AUD. If you drink a bottle of wine one night at a party, that does not imply you are suffering from AUD; it is a consistent issue. People often say it is about willpower, but they could not be more wrong. It is a brain disease, and you have to follow proper steps to find a solution.
How to know if it is time to cut back on your alcohol?
If you feel like you should cut back on your alcohol, that is your first symptom. Now answer these questions.
- Are you ending up drinking more than you intended?
- Do you often feel like you have to drink now, or you cannot function?
- Do you often think about drinking alcohol and cannot focus anywhere else?
- Is drinking alcohol messing with your academic or professional life?
- Are you having money troubles because of drinking?
- Are you pushing your loved ones away?
- Are your personal and professional relationships suffering due to your drinking?
- Do you suffer from intense sweating, irritation, shaking, trouble breathing, insomnia, or hallucinations when the alcohol wears off?
If you answered 2 or 3 questions, yes, you have mild alcoholism. If you answered more than 5 questions, yes, you have symptoms of severe AUD, and you should seek professional help at the
baton rouge rehab immediately.
5 ways to help you control your alcohol consumption
1. Create a plan:
First, you need to know your
alcohol intolerance then make a plan to control your drinking and stick to it. Spend a little time researching and figuring out what suits you the best. Ask yourself questions. Like, what will you do when you feel the urge to drink, how much you are going to drink, when will you call for support? Try to cover all the possible scenarios. Avoid places and situations that trigger your urge to drink. A study showed that people who maintain a plan drink lesser than others. Start lightly. Maybe plan to drink five days a week, then change your schedule to alternate days, and so on.
2. Keep your house alcohol-free:
Having alcohol in your house makes it harder to control your alcohol drinking. If you keep liquor in your home, that increases the risk of your emotional alcohol drinking. The risk gets even higher if you live alone. In social events, you can seek help from a friend or a family member you trust to keep your drinking level in check. Start with moderating or lowering the level of alcohol intake; cutting yourself totally off all of a sudden might not be a great idea.
3. Build a support group:
Quitting alcohol is not easy; it will take hard work and perseverance. You do not have to go through the journey all alone. Talk to your family and friends to ask for their help. Your loved ones will be happy to help you out. Being happy and spending time with your loved ones will make your journey easier and faster. You can also join
support groups. Meeting people who are going through the same journey as you will motivate you to do better. You can also consider a therapist or a recovery coach to support you.

4. Try new activities to keep your mind off of alcohol:
Keep yourself busy, so you do not get enough time to think about alcohol. Try out new activities, pick up new hobbies, or polish your old skills. According to research, working out helps you relieve anxiety due to alcohol withdrawal. Hit the gym, try soccer, basketball, or tennis. Physical activities will help you get healthier and also distract you. You can also take up creative hobbies like music, crafting, or dancing to keep yourself happy and busy. It will improve your physical and mental health and help you achieve a happy and fulfilling life.
5. Be persevering:
It is common to slip and set back from goals when you are trying to withdraw alcohol. You are not going to be sober in a day, and maybe not on the first try. But you cannot give up. Keep faith in yourself. Try new methods, ask for guidance, and seek help from professionals. Push yourself harder. “Failure is the pillar of success.” So, if you fail, it’s a step toward your success. Figure out what was wrong and try again. Give it time and make a change.
If you leave AUD untreated for a long time, it can ruin your life. It affects your relationships, your career, and of course, your health. So, make it easy to achieve short-term goals and work your way through them. You can maintain a journal and record your drinking habits. Writing what you want to achieve also motivates you to do better. Do not consume alcohol on an empty stomach. When you are drinking, drink slowly. Savour the taste; eat between your drinks. Especially making friends who do not drink. Peer pressure can tempt you. Learn to say no and live a healthy and happy life.