A leaky roof is not something that you should ignore. If the signs appear, it is crucial that your roof be checked by a professional roofing contractor as soon as possible. However, it can be challenging for most people to figure out which step should be taken first if one notices a leak. Suppose someone at your facility notices there is a roof leak, no need to worry.
has shared the first three steps you should take in such a situation.
Risk Assessment
If you notice any roof leak signs at your facility, you should perform a risk assessment before anything else. Here’s how to conduct an amateur yet effective risk assessment;
Determine If the Leak is Small or Large
Generally speaking, if a leak can easily be identified with a few adjustments, like placing a bucket under the leaking point, the leak might not be huge. This means it will be easy for you to repair or replace roofing material in that area. However, if you suspect a leak but can't immediately identify it, there are certain signs you can look for. For example, your roof may have a defect causing the leak at a different point from where you are looking.
Review the Problem
Check the roof surface for any puddles. Some areas will require scrap to test if water is dripping. If you see any wet spots on the scrap paper, you are likely dealing with a small leak, which can be repaired with some caulking. If you notice a more tough spot, then the leak might be more severe and could require the replacement of part of your roof.
Is the Leak Slow or Fast?
If the leak is slow, the area you noticed won’t have a big spot, or the drops will not be as much compared to a fast leak.
File a Risk Assessment Report
The next step would be to document the leak. Note down the estimated damage in a risk assessment report and submit it to a roofing company. You can also take a picture of the damage, including the area around the leak. Check with your risk management team and business services group for help in determining the level of risk.
Troubleshoot the Water Source
When troubleshooting the source of the leak on your roof, there are several things one can do before making the final decision. First, the water bill would be the first thing to show if there is a water leak. If there is a water leak, the water bill might be higher than the previously recorded metrics. If the water appears to be running continuously, this indicates a water leak. If the leaks only occur when water is being used, this is a leaky roof. If there are multiple leaks, one or more of which are on the top of the building and others are on the exterior walls, these are likely leaks from shingles and roof insulation. A contractor will be able to explain this better.
It is also essential to watch the water meter. If you suspect your meter leaks, wait two or three hours and take a reading. This will give a clear insight into whether there is a problem with the water meter or not. Also, check for cracks, patches, or mould growth on the roof.
If you have a plumbing professional at your facility, you should request assistance from them. They will make sure that the leak is treated and that water levels in your system are restored to the appropriate level.
Call Your Roofing Provider
After you have done all this, you can now call your roofing provider. They will take you through the whole process and help you understand where the leak is coming from. Following this procedure will help you to navigate through the claims process and limit any damage.
However, it would be best if you also had the proper permits in place to make sure the repairs you're going to have to make aren't impacting other structures around your building. If the structure you're working on is an apartment building with several stories, then your roof repair might not require permits. But if the structure you're working on has only one story, then you'll need permits and probably extra paperwork. Building owners and facility managers should be aware of the issues and risks associated with roof leaks, so they're well-equipped to evaluate any potential hazards that might need to be mitigated.