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Why Invest in the UK Buy to Let Market?

Whilst it may come as a surprise to some, especially when you take recent world events into account, the buy-to-let investment market is still flourishing as of late – specifically in the UK, it is perhaps proving to be one of the best options for those looking for new, lucrative ventures.

Offering a solid long-term investment, the property can provide and sustain a consistent, reliable income for several years with minimal risk and - depending on your approach – pressure.

Still asking yourself: 'Why invest in the UK buy to let market?'

Well, here's just a few reasons that might answer that question.

UK Prices are steadily rising (and it looks like that'll continue for a while)

A huge selling point for UK buy-to-let is capital appreciation.

To put it simply, this is a fancy term for the increase in the value of a property over time, and it is probably one of the most appealing aspects of property investment overall - particularly for those looking at planning for retirement.

Be patient; rent out the property for a few decades, and then you can sell it for a massive profit.

Considering that the UK rental market is currently booming, the best part is that this may just be the perfect time to get the ball rolling.

Last year, the market saw record-breaking increases, and there is basically zero evidence of it slowing down any time soon.

For example, looking at May this year, the average UK home was valued at around £254,624, an increase of 9.98% in the last 12 months alone.

Taking into account that last year the country suffered its most significant economic output drop in 300 years due to COVID-related issues, it's hard to deny how impressive this is.

With the latest predictions proposing that property will likely rise in price by a further 21.5% in the next five years, it'd probably be a bit silly not to take advantage of this opportunity.

Growing demand for property means a long list of potential tenants.

As our population grows and more and more people fill up space, housing is quickly becoming a top priority.

Properties are selling fast, and the biggest reason behind it is the severe undersupply of property in the UK.

Basically, people want a new place to live, but there isn't enough to go around (With Rightmove finding the highest imbalance between supply and demand found in the North)

This has led to an increase in property prices and a greater number of people looking to rent as an alternative to the high cost.

This is excellent news for landlords, though, because as this lifestyle continues to be popularized, it means there is likely to be a steady influx of potential tenants for years to come.

Regeneration projects are improving cities (and investments)

In the aftermath of the economic slump in the late 70s and 80s, many UK cities suffered and were became run-down as a consequence.

However, to combat this, billions have been spent in cities (such as Liverpool) to rejuvenate and promote positive growth.

Regeneration is regularly cited as one of the most appealing factors of a city, particularly for investors.

Done right, a regenerative overhaul can transform a city and result in a boom in both capital growth and rental demand.

By increasing the quality of living spaces, offering up new job opportunities, and improving local amenities like transport, efforts such as these can directly impact public opinion and property prices and have been vital in the market's success.

Why invest in the UK buy to let the market?

Why? It is probably one of the most profitable and continually growing markets to invest in at the moment. With prices only going to continue to rise for the foreseeable future and there being no concrete evidence of it stopping any time soon, this is also probably the most affordable it's going to be.

Jump in now, and you'll be sure to reap the rewards in the future.

Like with any opportunity, though, it is essential to keep up to date! Research is your greatest ally, so study the market, listen to the experts, and maybe consult with a property company to be as thorough as possible.

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