Working remotely comes with both challenges and benefits. Make the most of the opportunity by preparing for those challenges.
Working from home comes with a lot of great benefits. You get to sleep a bit later. You get to work in your pajamas. You don’t have to sit in traffic or deal with a lengthy commute. Working from home means enjoying your cooking on your lunch break without sharing a fridge with your coworkers. That's not to mention how much housework you can get done in between tasks. We could go on and on.
But if you’ve never worked remotely before, there can be a bit of a learning curve.
Are you ready to start your first work-from-home job? Here are the top seven tips on starting a new job remotely.
1. Create an Efficient Work Space
Working from home only works if you can be productive. And that starts with setting up a comfortable and efficient workspace.
Set up a designated area of your home that’s just for work. It could be a spare bedroom turned into a home office, a closet-turned-office if you’re limited on space, or even a corner niche in your living room. Fill that space with a desk, a comfortable chair, and any office supplies that you need to do your job.
Before your first day, take some time to make sure that your tech works. If you don’t already have a safe and reliable wi-fi network with a secured password, set one up before you start the job.
2. Establish Your Communication Standards
Whether you work side by side with your coworkers, good communication is critical. When you work remotely from a distance, it’s even more important.
Let your new boss or manager know the best way to reach you, whether through email, an internal collaboration system, or via phone. Learn their preferences and come to an agreement or understanding about how you will communicate with one another.
Exchange phone numbers even if you intend to communicate through email or online. It's essential to have a way to connect just in case your Wi-Fi goes down, or your computer goes on the fritz.
3. Prepare for Onboarding
Expect to devote some time to onboarding in the first few weeks of your new job. Be prepared to put in some extra time to learn the new systems if needed.
You'll need to learn the company software, workflow protocols, and collaboration tools no matter what your remote job entails. In addition, you'll have to do a few face-to-face video calls or watch a few webinars to learn the processes.
It’s also important not to be afraid to ask for help. Ask your supervisor for clarification if anything during the onboarding process is unclear. You will not be successful in your new job if you struggle with using the software or remote tools.
4. Know the Expectations
Depending on the job, working remotely can be 100% flexible or require you to work set hours and be available on certain days and times.
Never assume that remote work means that you can work whenever you want. Know what your employer expects of you when you need to be available, and clear your schedule so that you are available when required.
If your work is 100% flexible and you can work any day or hour, setting general expectations is still essential. Let the company know your parameters so they know when they can expect you to respond to emails or answer calls.
5. Take Time to Learn the Company Culture
Every company has a culture. It's important to assimilate into the culture to become a trusted, respected team member.
Ask your supervisor if your coworkers and remote team socialize virtually. If so, connect with them through social media and follow their example. In other words, if they keep it strictly professional and only discuss work issues, do the same. Follow their lead if they have personal chats and talk about their families, children, pets, and hobbies.
No matter what the culture may be, adhere to the standards as set forth by your boss or supervisors. Don’t rely on the behaviour of one or two peers to dictate what the culture is. There is a chance they could be wrong.
6. Set Boundaries With Family and Friends
People who don't work from home often think that people who do work from home can take calls, text, and get together at any time.
Let your friends and family know that just because you work remotely doesn’t mean you have total freedom — you still have a job to do! Tell them they should treat your home office just like any other office and that you are only available during certain times of the day.
7. Be Confident
To succeed in any job, you must demonstrate confidence in yourself. You got the job because the company thought you could handle it, so now it’s time to prove them right.
If you're used to working in an office, getting comfortable and feeling confident working remotely can take time. To do so, you’ll need to embrace both the benefits and the downsides.
The benefits include everything we mentioned, such as working in your PJs and not dealing with rush hour traffic. However, some downsides, such as minimal social interaction, can be a tough adjustment.
Every job is an opportunity to develop your skillset, expand your network, learn new techniques, and build your confidence. Showing your superiors that you have that confidence will prove that working remotely works for you.
Are you getting ready to start a new remote job? Set up an office that encourages productivity. Have the patience to learn new systems and new work culture. Take the time to set guidelines and ensure that you can meet expectations.
If you can put these practices into play, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a smashing success at your new job, regardless of where you do it.
Adam Marshall is a freelance writer specializing in apartment organization, real estate, and college advice. He currently works with The Cynwyd to help them with their online marketing.