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How to become a full stack developer?

Sometimes the company is unsure whether it needs to hire PHP developers or focus on the frontend by hiring HTML specialists.

So, it does both by hiring a full-stack developer. In fact, full-stack developers are most of the time the best solution because they have it all: they take care of both the backend and the frontend of your website or application. So it is not surprising that the full-stack developers never run out of a job.

But what should you do to become a full-stack developer? If you don't know the answer, don't worry, we got you covered. Here are the:

Five tips to become a full-stack developer

1) Learn the required programming languages

Let's start with the basics: to become a full-stack developer, you need to be proficient in the following programming languages and technologies:


These are the languages of the Internet. HTML is the language that helps developers put the content into the website, and CSS allows to modify the web applications' appearance. Both of them are essential for full-stack development, and you can quickly learn them with in-person courses or online ones.


Do you want to become a full-stack developer? Then learning JavaScript is a must. It should be the first thing on your to-do list. It is used both for the frontend and backend parts. If you know JavaScript, you can build browsers, server-side applications, and much more. By the way, it will take you less than a year to master the language and start working on complicated projects.

A couple of backend technologies

Now, knowing HTML/CSS and Javascript is good, but it's not enough for becoming a full-stack developer. In addition to these languages, you should learn at least one backend programming language. This could b anything, Java, Python, PHP, SQL: you choose it. The essential factor is that you understand the processes that take place in the backend of your web application, be that user validation, logical operations, or database ones.

2) Mater your knowledge

Now just learning all of these languages is not enough. If you want to become an excellent full-stack developer, you need to master one of them.

Here's the thing: you don't need to be a pro in all of them. It would require too much time and effort from you, and in the end, you'd end up being mediocre on all of the languages.

To avoid that, try to find one language you like the most and become a true expert in it. For the rest, it is sufficient to know how to work with them.

But how should you choose which language to professionalize in? Well, despite your own preferences, you can also consider which is the language most popular among your clients.

If you follow our advice, you will stand out in the competition and offer exceptional work.

3) Get practical skills

Of course, all the theoretical knowledge is good, but if you really want to step into the game, you also need to gain some practical skills. What do we mean by the term "practical skills"? Well, try to find some real-life projects and start working on them.

Don't get us wrong: it is great to come up with imaginary tasks and projects and complete them for your portfolio. But if you want to grasp how your future work will be, it would help you if you started to take some small freelance projects.

4) Prepare for your first interview

As you finally decide to take your game to the next level and get a full-time job as a full-stack developer, make sure you don't lose your opportunity just because you didn't revise your knowledge before the interview. But don't overthink it either. It is completely fine if you end up getting rejected for the first couple of interviews. Just make sure it doesn't discourage you, and you continue trying!

By the way, here are a couple of interview tips and tricks that will come in handy!

So, If you follow these four simple steps, we're sure soon enough you'll become the most famous full-stack developer in the neighbourhood or region, or even further? You choose: it all depends on your ambitions!

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