Growing marijuana all by yourself is an entertaining thing to do. But, one may often hesitate because everyone says it is a challenging task. While that can be true for some individuals, it is not that tough a nut to crack. Since marijuana is illegal in many regions and has been for several years, a lot of misconceptions about growing it have emerged. Don't you worry! This guide is all you need to grow marijuana by yourself efficiently. Even if you have never grown anything in your life, you will still be able to cultivate your dream plant! In this article, we have created an easy and beginner-friendly guide for you.

Usually, people prefer to grow it indoors due to various reasons. Your plant stays in a well-protected environment. Furthermore, not every person has the liberty to be carefree enough to grow it indoors! There are many more reasons behind the same. If you want to grow marijuana outdoors, the foundational steps are still the same. There are just some differences and points to view. Pros and cons exist in both scenarios.
Things to take care of
Before you enter the actual process of growing marijuana, some points are worth remembering. Primarily, you need to make sure that growing weed is legal in your state.
It is also very foundational to choose the right seeds. Ensure that you have good-quality seeds belonging to a potent strain. Feminized seeds are always preferred, and good brands sell only those usually. Alternatively, you can also choose to grow your plant using a clone instead of seeds.
Then, there is the choice between growing it indoors and outdoors. Growing marijuana outdoors is a cost-effective method. If you are willing to spend some money on the resources and equipment, grow it indoors. But, you can not control the environmental factors in that case, unlike indoor cultivation.
Now, let us march towards the various stages of growing marijuana. We will now see all the guidelines you need to follow during each step till harvesting.
Steps to grow marijuana
1. Germination and planting the seed
If you are growing your plant with seeds, the first step is to germinate them. Since the seeds need moist and warm conditions, wrap them in a paper towel. Then, you can put them in a zip-lock bag and store them in a preferably warm and dark place.
Within 2-3 days, you can see a tail-like white structure coming out of your seeds. That is when you know that the germination step is going well. Once that happens, plant your seed one inch below the soil's surface. The tail should face downwards. Do not forget that the pot should have a few drainage holes.
It should receive either some sunlight or should be under a CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light). Else, you can use LED lights as well. In this stage, you should not heavily water the seeds. Only lightly mist them. After two to three days, tiny leaves will be visible to you.
2. Care during the vegetative stage
For achieving the sexual maturity required for bearing flowers, proper growth is vital. In this stage, approximately three or four-week long, the plant needs light for a minimum of 18 hours. If the soil is of good quality, the plant should show steady progress.
After three weeks or more, you can transfer it into another container for the final time. However, take utmost care while this shift happens. You must not handle the plant roughly as it would be in a delicate state. Moreover, we would suggest using an adequate amount of superior quality fertilizer. That will ensure sound health and expected yield.
3. Facilitate flowering and further growth
By changing the light-supply pattern, the flowering process begins. The plant needs a 12-hour light and 12-hour darkness bracket each day. So, wherever you are placing it, see that this pattern remains intact. Hence, taking care of this is predominant to ensure the desired kind of development. If you are using artificial lights, the ones with a timer come in extremely handy in this case.
Approximately the flowering process begins around the third week. In the next 7-8 weeks, nature will do wonders in its mysterious ways. You need to take care of some other factors like water and light. Furthermore, you can research the appearance of your plant at each given instance. Attending it as and when needed will get hassle-free through research.
You should water the plant whenever a few inches below the surface feels dry. The same light cycle of 12 hours continues in this process. But, it is salient to place the lights at an appropriate distance from the plant. Otherwise, different parts will receive different intensities of light. Besides, as the plant grows, the lights should move upwards. The air circulation should be sufficient in the surroundings.

Harvesting at the right time
Once you see that most of the buds have turned brown or red, your plant is ready for harvest. The leaves will also start appearing yellow. Now, find a cool and dark place where the plant will be cut and hung upside down. You do not need to provide light to it now. The plant will take somewhere around a week to 10 days to dry. After that, you can trim the leaves and all the growth that is useless to us.
It is advisable to store the buds in a container. That process is known as curing, and most growers adapt it after harvesting. Curing can be done for anywhere between a week to a couple of months, depending on preferences.
It's a happy ending!
This is where your journey from being a grower to a marijuana baby ends! You can enjoy the fruit of your hard work and relax. Growing marijuana can be a fun and engaging experience in itself. If you are highly enthusiastic about growing marijuana, it would not be a tiresome task. There are a few factors that are essentially required.
Otherwise, how much you spend on resources is a personal choice. Lights, air regulators, and many other pieces of equipment are readily available in the market. Since numerous people are growing marijuana indoors lately, you have options belonging to several price points. You can see what suits you the best and have your little marijuana plant grown at home.