Not all rehab centres are well versed in treating mental health disorders alongside substance use disorders. If you seek addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, it is wise to consider if your preferred facility offers addiction and mental health recovery facilities. You should consider full-service
rehab treatment programs at Renaissance Recovery so you or your loved one can benefit from the most efficient and comprehensive dual diagnosis treatment near you.
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, at least 45% of all persons suffering from a substance use disorder usually have a dual diagnosis. A dual diagnosis occurs when a person suffering from a substance use disorder is concurrently diagnosed with a behavioural or mental health disorder. This article highlights some of the most common mental health disorders that concur with addictions and discusses some factors to consider when evaluating the various rehab centres for dual diagnosis expertise.
Importance Of Treating Substance Use Disorder And Mental Health Disorders Simultaneously
When you seek treatment for you or a loved one’s substance use disorder, it is also imperative to treat the co-occurring behavioural or mental health disorder to live a healthy, well-balanced, and fulfilling life. Many mental and addiction health professionals consider it just as necessary to treat the underlying mental or behavioural condition because it probably triggers you or your loved one’s initial drug use and, if left untreated, could cause a relapse.
Treatment for substance use disorder is a complex and lengthy process that becomes significantly complicated when a patient has a dual diagnosis. Only the best trained and well-experienced mental health professionals can effectively treat patients who have a dual diagnosis. As you do your research and call up various rehab centres, be sure to ask them about the professional certification of their staff members. This will ensure that you or your loved ones are in the hands of licensed and capable mental health professionals qualified to treat both conditions. As mentioned before, some of the most common mental and behavioural disorders afflict roughly one in two persons diagnosed with a substance use disorder.
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
This is one of the conditions that repeatedly manifests itself alongside substance use disorder. Persons who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), whether diagnosed or not, are much more likely to abuse drugs in an attempt to cope with their symptoms. If you or a loved one experiencing a substance use disorder also has ADHD, be sure to highlight that and inquire about treatment options when window shopping for a rehab centre.
Usually, after diagnosis with ADHD, patients are prescribed different stimulant medications. The longer you use your prescription stimulants, the higher your chances of habit-forming and developing a toxic pattern of substance abuse.
Bipolar Disorder
Persons diagnosed with bipolar disorder are also more statistically likely to develop substance use disorders resulting from self-medicating attempts. Drugs and alcohol can seem liberating for persons feeling trapped by the manic episodes and emotional situations accompanying bipolar disorder. Ask the rehab centre how they are qualified to treat you or your loved one’s addiction problem alongside bipolar disorder.
It is estimated that at least one out of every ten adults in the US has reported struggling with depression. When left untreated, persons suffering from depression will usually attempt to self-medicate using drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately, once the intoxication wears off, depressed persons will suffer a crash that makes them more depressed and crave more drugs or alcohol.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is the most common mental condition in the US, and it affects about 15% of the adult population. When not effectively treated, these patients will likely abuse their prescription medication or alcohol to manage the GAD symptoms. Benzodiazepines, the medications commonly used to treat GAD, are highly addictive and prompt users to abuse it, thus setting the stage for later abuse of drugs and alcohol.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Patients who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are highly likely to turn to drugs or alcohol. PTSD causes their brains to underproduce endorphins (the feel-good hormones released by the brain during pleasurable activities like exercise or sex). They are more likely to rely on drugs and alcohol to simulate a feeling of happiness.
Many other mental health conditions can form part of a dual diagnosis, e.g., eating disorders, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. Treating the underlying disease is essential to overcoming substance use disorder.