A few weeks ago a heartbreaking episode was aired on The show Mnakwethu. The show which is presented by polygamist Musa Mseleku is for men who want to introduce a second wife to their first wife. The episode of Mashelembe really broke the hearts of many South Africans and they vowed to help her get out of her situation.
Women came together and showed love to Mashelembe by planning a baby shower for her and giving her presents and they even offered her a job in Joburg. Two baby showers are to be held for her one in KZN and the other one was done in Joburg.
After all, that pampering Mashelembe looks totally different. She is now glowing, happy and looks even more beautiful. See some of her pictures below.
It's amazing how South African men and women came together to assist Mashelembe after her husband made another woman pregnant and even paid her lobola without her knowing . Now she is a beautiful independent woman and I hope she leaves that husband of hers for good because it's clear he doesn't love her .
In my opinion, I think polygamy should be abolished. What's the use of having two or more wives. It causes nothing but pain in the women who are in polygamy and their children grow up hurt and broken because of polygamy. If a man decides to take two or more wives he must also make sure he is financially stable to do so . Look at what happened in the case of Mashelembe, the man was broke but wanted two wives, he didn't even pay the full amount of lobola for Mashelembe but he wanted another wife .
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